UserLinux plans anounced

권순선의 이미지

Bruce Perens씨가 주도하고 있는 UserLinux의 향후 계획이 발표되었습니다. 현재 샌프란시스코에서 열리고 있는 리눅스월드 엑스포에서 쏟아져 나오는 수많은 보도자료들 중 하나일수도 있지만, 9월 15일로 예정되어 있는 데미안 Sarge 릴리즈 일정과 함께 상당히 관심을 가지게 되는 뉴스네요.

I am having a press conference today and there will be announcements
regarding UserLinux. I am planning to announce:

1. We are planning a mass beta for i386-based systems September 1.
2. We will track the Debian release process, and that Debian currently
targets September 15.
3. We are seeking additional service vendors to establish our global
support network.
4. The big one: In addition to i386, we will add commercial support of
Debian Pure AMD64 with an i386 chroot for 32-bit compatibility.

We will have Pure AMD64 support even though this will probably not be an
officially-supported architecture of Debian for this release. Not all
service vendors will support it. I have been running this for months and it
is stable. Its main problems are that Linux Standard Base does not yet
address it and that Debian would like to transition to "multiarch" support
that is not ready for this release. Thus customers should expect a
larger-than-usual change next release. The subsequent release is not
expected to use a chroot to implement the 32-bit compatibility but will
provide it through the Debian "multiarch" facility. But the fact that there
will be a big change between releases is true for all Linux distributions
that will cover AMD64, and is a consequence that early adoptors bear. Our
release date for Pure AMD64 is not yet determined but is expected to be
later than our i386 release.



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권순선의 이미지

혹시, UserLinux에 대해서 잘 모르시는 분은 그냥 간단하게 "RedHat의 엔터프라이즈 리눅스에 대응되는 Debian 기반의 공개 배포판(데비안 엔터프라이즈 리눅스??)"이라고 생각하시면 됩니다.

Perens의 메일에도 데비안 관련 이야기가 많은 것이 바로 그같은 이유 때문이고요.

jj의 이미지

잠시 User mode linux와 착각을... ^^ 이런게 있군요...

Life is short. damn short...

Kari의 이미지

헉 순간 저도 윗분과 같은 생각을 ㅡ.ㅡ;;;