구글에서 Albuquerque hoverboard로 찾으니 다음과 같은 페이지가 나오네요.
Bridget Hill, David Gerstle, Parker Gibson and Jodie Gomez, a team of students from Albuquerque Academy, are among 24 regional winning teams in the 12th annual Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision awards program, a science and technology competition.
Coached by science teacher Mary Ann Jurney, the seventh-graders proposed a futuristic "hoverboard" that would utilize the principle of diamagnetism to float riders above water and the surface of Earth.
D-FI (Diamagnetic Floating Innovation)
The D-FI is a state of the art hoverboard which uses diamagnetism to float above water and the earth's surface. This highly maneuverable hoverboard, powered by two rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, can perform 360 degree turns.
구글에서 Albuquerque hoverboard로 찾으니 다음과 같은
구글에서 Albuquerque hoverboard로 찾으니 다음과 같은 페이지가 나오네요.
결론은 중학생들이 과학적 상상으로 만들어 본 것이라는 겁니다. Greg Hanson은 누군지 통 못찾겠네요 :? [/code]
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