[설치] 리눅스에서 일반 어플리케이션 설치 시
안녕하세요 설치 문서에 다음과같은 부분이 있는데 이해를 못하겠습니다. ;(
보시고 어떻게 해야 하는지 조언 부탁드리겠습니다.
Step 3: Install TimeNET
The tool can be installed into any user account in a directory TimeNET. TimeNET contains several shell scripts which work in csh and tcsh. Please make sure that you use one of these shells.
* Copy the compressed tar file obtained by ftp into the home directory of the target account.
* Use gunzip (the same as gzip -d) to uncompress the file.
gunzip file.tar.gz
* Use tar to extract the directories and files from the archive.
tar -xvf file.tar
To use the tool directly from the account is has been installed in, you also have to set up this account as a new user as described below.
Step 4: Set up a new user
The tool can be used by several users simultaneuously. Assume TimeNET has been installed on your system in the directory /home/timenet/TimeNET. Each new user has to follow the following steps, if his or her home directory is /home/tnuser:
* set the shell environment variable TNETHOME to the directory where TimeNET is installed (e.g. if your login shell is a tcsh, add the line setenv TNETHOME /home/timenet/TimeNET to your file /home/tnuser/.cshrc)
* create a directory where your models will be stored, e.g. mkdir /home/tnuser/Models
* set the shell environment variable MODELDIR to this directory (e.g. if your login shell is a tcsh, add the line setenv MODELDIR /home/tnuser/Models to your file /home/tnuser/.cshrc) Warning: The MODELDIR variable must not contain a trailing /, or there will be errors during evaluation algorithms!
* The path of the graphical user interface of TimeNET should be included in your path variable (e.g. if your login shell is a tcsh, add the line set path = ( $path $TNETHOME/Agnes/bin ) to your file /home/tnuser/.cshrc)
* Copy and check the TimeNET configuration file. The tool distribution contains a sample configuration file called ".TimeNET" which must be located in the home directory of each user. An Example can be found in Example_.TimeNET. The configuration file specifies whether some evaluation components can be executed on a cluster of workstations in parallel. Add the host names of usable workstations between the lines HOSTLISTSTART and HOSTLISTEND. A detailed explanation of this configuration file is given below.
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