linuxdoc.org에서 tldp.org로 옮겨간 사연을 아시나요?

nohmad의 이미지

오픈소스 관련 내용이라 이곳에 글타래를 엽니다.

예전 문서를 보다보면, 한국의 KLDP와 마찬가지로 과거 Linux Documentation의 중심이었던 linuxdoc.org로 된 링크가 연결이 안되고, 그 대신 Linux Documentation Project) 홈이 떠서 거기서 다시 검색해야 하는 수고를 반복해야 했습니다.

왜 그런지 몰랐다가 리눅스 저널 기사를 보고 황당한 사연을 알게 되었습니다.

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From to

In some documents you still can see references to the old domain. The reason for the domain switch was not pretty, unfortunately, but as it is part of the TLDP story, it should be told.

As is so often the case, goodwill and kindness made selfishness rise to the occasion. Many people are interested in TLDP, but not always for the good of the project.

At the time Guylhem was elected president, there was only one other candidate. Guylhem didn't want that man to feel left out, so he trusted him to be the webmaster. TLDP lost the domain because the webmaster managed to claim ownership of it. He also purchased the .com domain and ran a commercial Web site on it on the back of TLDP. Needless to say, this caused a lot of friction.

So a new domain had to be found, and was short and free. Guylhem took his responsibilities seriously, registered the domain in 2002 and moved the project to the current domain. The team also took this opportunity to broaden the scope of the project, and they combined the move with a restructuring operation that made the project much more efficient.

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그런데 linuxdoc.org로의 연결이 tldp.org로 포워딩되는 것을 보면 이 도메인에 대한 분쟁조정이 있었을 것으로 생각되는데 더 자세한 내용을 아시는 분은 답글을 부탁드립니다.