FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE is Out

서지훈의 이미지

By Eugenia Loli-Queru - Posted on 2004-01-12 05:59:55
FreeBSD 5.2 is now available and the two ISOs are already up on some servers and more to come.


<어떠한 역경에도 굴하지 않는 '하양 지훈'>

dsh의 이미지

집에 가서 할 일 생겼네요

오늘 설 선물로 주문한 PS2가 와서 이거나 가지고 놀아야지 했는데
세상만들기도 같이 하면서 놀아야겠군요. :)

whitekid의 이미지

링크가 안되네요.~~~

What do you want to eat?

bugiii의 이미지 에 벌써 미러링 되어 있습니다.
저는 CD 굽고 있습니다.

sonnet7의 이미지

매번 이런 저런 정보를 주시니 감사합니다. ^^

다운로드 숫자 올라가는 재미가 좋군요.

속도도 빠르고 오늘 용산가서 물건 살때 짜증나는 일이 있어서

기분 별루에 가져온 물건의 박스를 열어 보니 개봉 되어 있고

짜증에 찝찝함이 더해진 묘한 기분까지는 뭐 결딜만 했는데

고장 ㅡㅡ 내일 다시 용산갈 생각하니 영 아니였는데........

막판에 좋은 소식에 기뻐합니다.

변명은 죄악이다-제로경-

whitekid의 이미지

서지훈 wrote:
By Eugenia Loli-Queru - Posted on 2004-01-12 05:59:55
FreeBSD 5.2 is now available and the two ISOs are already up on some servers and more to come.


<어떠한 역경에도 굴하지 않는 '하양 지훈'>

FreeBSD 5.2, the latest in the 5.x development series has been released and is now available from the master server and should appear at mirrors shortly. New features include ACPI 2.0, a much refined ATAng, a new swap pager providing improved throughput and many other changes. For the UI-inclined users, GNOME has been updated to version 2.4.1 and KDE to 3.1.4.

잠시 지워졌었나보군요..

What do you want to eat?

서지훈의 이미지

여기말구 이 안되면...
여기 batanews 에도 기사가 있으니 참고 하세요...

<어떠한 역경에도 굴하지 않는 '하양 지훈'>

#include <com.h> <C2H5OH.h> <woman.h>
do { if (com) hacking(); if (money) drinking(); if (women) loving(); } while (1);

whitekid의 이미지

SlashDot에 달린 쓰레드를 쭉 읽어보고 있는데(생각보다 재밌네요..) 공감가는 말이 몇마디 있어서.

1. Unlike most of the Linux distros, you can upgrade the system from the source. You can get the latest source code via CVS and completely update the whole system to the latest version or use it in order to fix bug fixes. It works really well if you want to stay updated on crucial bugs.

2. Unlike most of the Linux distros, it has a good software management system, ports. You can update them via CVS as a part of your cron job, thus you can get the latest version of software anytime you want to install something.

3. Kernel configuration does not involve clicking on tons of buttons. Also, the default kernel configuration does not come with tons of stuff enabled. When I create a custom kernel, I have to add certain lines for my personal configuration and hardly disable anything beyond simple stuff.

4. So far, I have used Mandrake, RedHat, Slackware, Debian and FreeBSD. From my experience FreeBSD was the easiest system to install and manage for server/production environment. I do not care about a nice looking penguin or games, I want my computer to do work. If I wanted to play, I'd use Windows.

1. You can not play games on it.
You can play Linux games on it (ok, no games)

2. It cannot be used by my grandma.
If your grandma is able to use Gnome or KDE, she can use FreeBSD.

3. It lacks a GUI of any note.
see above.

4. There is no support available for it.
There are a lot of places on the net were you can get help from the community. And some companies provide commercial support for FreeBSD.

5. It is an assortment of fragmented OSes.
FreeBSD is a complete OS by itself, it's an evolution of 4.4BSD.

6. It cannot be run on the x86 platform.
Of course it runs on x86.

7. You have to compile everything and know C.
Thanks to the ports collection, you just have to type "make" to get something compiled for you.

8. Support for the latest hardware is always poor.
Support for the latest hardware is sometimes poor indeed.

9. It is incompatiable with GNU/Linux.
FreeBSD has a complete Linux compatibility layer which allows to run Linux binaries.

10. It is dying.
Well, some people like to repeat that every month since 1993!

What do you want to eat?

maddie의 이미지

대대적인 make world중입니다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

힘없는자의 슬픔

fat81의 이미지

VMware에서 에러가 나는군요..

약 2시간을 걸려 다운을 받아서,
vmware 4.0.5 (build 6030) 으로 설치하려고 했더니,
CD부팅 과정에서 에러가 납니다. 아마도 CD롬 인식에서 문제가 생긴 듯 싶습니다.
다음은 오류 메세지 입니다.

*** VMware Workstation internal monitor error ***
NOT_IMPLEMENTED at 400d82 (6030)

Code: 00400d82-0000178e-93a8ffa6-d4a5a3a7-96fc829f-fbe2f3aa-b3e7fe

Please report this problem by selecting menu item Help > VMware on the Web > Request Support, or by going to the Web page "". Please provide us with the log file (e:\FreeBSD\vmware.log) and the core file (e:\freebsd\vmware-core.gz).
If the problem is repeatable, please select 'Run with debugging information' in the Options panel of the configuration editor. Then reproduce the incident and file it according to the instructions.
We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.
We appreciate your feedback,
-- the VMware Workstation team.