New Linux Version Expected in December
글쓴이: 서지훈 / 작성시간: 수, 2003/11/26 - 1:34오후
By Eugenia Loli-Queru - Posted on 2003-11-26 02:21:06
The 2.6 version of the Linux core is expected in December and will be much more stable on arrival than its predecessor, according to the maintainer. Because 2.6 includes many of the customizations Linux sellers have used, the release of the new kernel will reduce the differences between those products and the standard version at That's significant, because Linux programmers are working to keep Linux from "forking" into incompatible versions, as happened with Unix.
여기 간략한 기사에 따르면 test버젼은 10번이 마지막이고, 12월 중에 정식 버젼으로 2.6이 나올거라고 하는군요.
이번 2.6 정식 버젼에선 업자들의 많은 요구사항을 받아들여서 standard( 버젼이나 각 배포버젼들이랑 별 차이가 없을거라고 합니다.
이러면 가가 배포판 개발자들 아주 기쁘하겠죠^^
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