레드햇 & 수세 리눅스 교육용은 할인 정책

좋은진호의 이미지

수세리눅스는 학생, 대학, 비영리 고객에게는 CCS Software와 Ricis 파트너를 통해 40% 이상 할인을 해줍니다
수세는 국내 상황하고는 맞지 않을 수도 있겠네요.

레드햇도 RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 기반으로 한 2개의 제품도 할인할 계획입니다.
학생에게 판매할 Red Hat Academic Desktop 이라 명명된 제품은 RHEL WS 기반으로 25달러에 판매.
교육기관에 판매할 Red Hat Academic Server 제품은 RHEL ES 기반으로 50달러에 판매합니다.
레드햇의 아카데미 버전은 RHN을 통해 업데이트를 지원하지만 전화 상담 서비스는 할 수 없습니다.
레드햇은 2개 제품을 우선 미국에서 제공을 하고 연말쯤에 전세계로 확대할 계획입니다.

아래는 slashdot에 올라온 기사입니다.


geoff313 writes "Good news week for Linux users in the education field, as both Red Hat and SUSE have announced that they will provide academic discounts in an effort to attract "students and educational institutions." According to this article published on CNET, while both companies have decided to offer discounts, they are each going about it a different way. SUSE has begun to offer "schools, students, universities and nonprofit customers a discount of more than 40 percent through two sales partners, CCV Software and Ricis." Red Hat, on the other hand, plans to offer two new versions of its distributions, based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) line. The first, aimed at students and named Red Hat Academic Desktop, will sell for $25 and is based on RHEL WS. The second, to be sold to schools and named Red Hat Academic Server, will sell for $50 and is based off RHEL ES. Both products will include online updates (presumably through its Red Hat Network) but will not include telephone support. Bulk pricing is also available, and administrative licenses will be available soon."

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