또하나의 새로운 cross-platform GUI framework VCF

aero의 이미지

Qt, wxWindows, FOX, fltk등등 cross-platform GUI 툴킷들이
많이 있는데.

이것들이 다 자기들 마음에 들지 않는다고 새로운 GUI framework을
개발하는 프로젝트가 생겼더군요.

이름은 VCF(Visual Component Framework)

홈페이지( http://vcf.sourceforge.net ) FAQ의 설명

What is the VCF? What does the VCF do?

VCF stands for the Visual Component Framework, it is a C++ framework that was created to provide simple to program library for cross-platform GUI's, with many of the advanced design features of Java and Java's Swing, and Borland's Visual Component Library. In addition, the VCF provides advanced RTTI/Introspection features common in languages like Object Pascal, Objective C, Smalltalk, and Java, but not typically found in C++. The framework is divided into three main sections: the FoundationKit, the ApplicationKit, and the GraphicsKit. There are also two additional kits, the Network kit and the Remote Object Kit.

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