SCO, 리눅스 엔드 유저를 고소하기 위해 준비중!

권순선의 이미지

/.에 갔더니 SCO가 또 /.의 헤드라인을 장식하고 있군요.

Bootsy Collins writes "In a brief article, Computer Business Review Online quotes Darl McBride as saying that SCO has been busily identifying Linux end users and is preparing to launch lawsuits against them in order to encourage more such end users to buy licenses from SCO. SCO indicates that they'll start with a company that uses AIX, Dynix and Linux, so as to 'settle several legal arguments in one go.'" Not everyone is going to take the SCO approach sitting down; read on for a story on how (among others) Weta Digital and Australia's Massey University aren't jumping to say Uncle to SCO.

Chris Brewer writes "Massey University's Helix supercomputer would incur a licensing charge of nearly US$100,000 for it's 132 CPU Beowulf cluster, and Weta Digital's render farm could cost somewhere between US$1.15 and US$1.5 million dollars at SCO's 'introductory' pricing, according to this Computerworld article. Massey's parallel computing director says it's unlikely that they'll buy a licence, instead, waiting for what the U.S. Courts decide. Weta's CTO Scott Houston says that they're also not going to buy a licence, but are focusing on making movies in the meantime."

자세한 내용은 여기를 참고하세요.

jedi의 이미지

힘없는 회사를 상대로 승소해서 판례를 만들려는 노력이라고 봐야 하나?

+++ 여기부터는 서명입니다. +++
국가 기구의 존속을 위한 최소한의 세금만을 내고, 전체 인민들이 균등한 삶을
영위할 수 있는 착취가 없는 혁명의 그날은 언제나 올 것인가!
-- 조정래, <태백산맥> 중에서, 1986년

cjh의 이미지

Weta Digital 이면 "반지의 제왕"등의 그래픽 처리를 하는 회사 아닌가요?
그 뉴질랜드에 있다는...

그럼 다음 차례는 ILM이겠군요. HP linux 클러스터를 쓰고 있을 테니...

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