드디어 Redhat이 SCO측에 반격을 시작했군요....

ihavnoid의 이미지



Red Hat Takes Aim at Infringement Claims
Complaint launched against SCO claims, Red Hat pledges $1MM to create fund to protect Linux

SAN FRANCISCO—August 4, 2003—Red Hat, Inc. (Nasdaq:RHAT) today made two significant announcements to protect Red Hat Linux customers and the worldwide Linux industry. First, Red Hat announced that it filed a formal complaint against The SCO Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOX, "SCO"). The purpose of this complaint is to demonstrate that Red Hat's technologies do not infringe any intellectual property of SCO and to hold SCO accountable for its unfair and deceptive actions.

"We filed this complaint to stop SCO from making unsubstantiated and untrue public statements attacking Red Hat Linux and the integrity of the Open Source software development process," said Mark Webbink, General Counsel at Red Hat. "Red Hat is confident that its current and future customers will continue to realize the significant value that our Red Hat Linux platform provides without interruption."

To further protect the integrity of Open Source software and the Open Source community, Red Hat has established the Open Source Now Fund. The purpose of the fund will be to cover legal expenses associated with infringement claims brought against companies developing software under the GPL license and non-profit organizations supporting the efforts of companies developing software under a GPL license. Red Hat has pledged one million dollars to be provided as funding in this initiative. For more information please e-mail opensourcenow@redhat.com.

"The collaborative process of Open Source software development which created the Linux operating system has been unjustly questioned and threatened," said Matthew Szulik, Chairman and CEO of Red Hat. "In its role as industry leader, Red Hat has a responsibility to ensure the legal rights of users are protected."

About Red Hat, Inc.
Red Hat is the world's premier open source and Linux provider. Red Hat is headquartered in Raleigh, N.C. and has offices worldwide. Its European headquarters is based in Surrey, UK, with offices throughout Europe. Please visit Red Hat on the Web at www.redhat.com.

Forward-Looking Statements
Forward-looking statements in this press release are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Investors are cautioned that statements in this press release that are not strictly historical statements, including, without limitation, management's plans and objectives for future operations, and management's assessment of market factors, constitute forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, reliance upon strategic relationships, management of growth, the possibility of undetected software errors, the risks of economic downturns generally, and in Red Hat's industry specifically, the risks associated with competition and competitive pricing pressures, the viability of the Internet, and other risks detailed in Red Hat's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, copies of which may be accessed through the SEC's Web site at http://www.sec.gov.

LINUX is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. RED HAT is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc. All other names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

요약하면, 고객 보호 및 오픈소스 보호를 위해서 SCO를 제소하고, 변호사비용을 위한 펀드를 만들어서 100만달러를 긁어모으기로 했다고 하는군요...
(해석이 맞나요??)

어떻게 될 지 점점 재미있어지는군요.... -0-

Prentice의 이미지

네.. 다만 백만불은 레드햇이 펀드에 넣기로 한 액수인 것 같습니다. ^^

권순선의 이미지

역시 예상했던 대로 레드햇 쪽에서 SCO측에 반격을 하기 시작했군요. 다른 리눅스 업체들과 연합해서 하지 않을까...하는 생각도 해봤었는데 홍보효과를 생각했을 때는 단독으로 추진하는 것이 더 낫겠네요.

그나저나 SCO도 아마 레드햇 등 기존 리눅스 관련 업체들이 자신들을 고소하는 것쯤은 충분히 예상을 했을 것 같은데 어떻게 대응할런지 궁금하네요.

제생각엔 이 SCO의 리눅스 지재권 관련 파문은 예전의 MS 독점법위반 시비처럼 오랫동안 언론에서 다루기 좋은 소재로서, 일반 대중에게 리눅스를 비롯한 오픈소스 소프트웨어에 대해 많은 오해를 불러일으키며 신문지면을 장식하다 흐지부지 끝날것 같네요.