리누즈 토발즈 트랜스메타 떠나다.

ganadist의 이미지

커널 2.5.72릴리즈와 더불어 리누즈가 OSDL로 회사를 옮긴다고 적어놨네요.

내일 아침(현지시각)에 트랜스메타와 OSDL에서 이것에 대한 press release가 있을것이라 합니다.

원문은 아래의 메일을 참조하세요.


errai의 이미지

OSDL이 뭐의 약자일까 봤더니 Open Source Development Lab 이군요
http://www.osdl.org/ 이런 회사가 있다니 저는 처음 들었습니다.
리누스 토발즈가 드디어 본업을 시작하는 걸까요?
오픈소스 공동체에 더 많은 기여를 하게 될런지 궁금하군요. :)

권순선의 이미지

토발즈 본인이 메일링 리스트에 올린 내용입니다.

The other big news - well, for me personally, anyway - is that I've
decided to take a leave-of-absense after 6+ years at Transmeta to
actually work full-time on the kernel.

Transmeta has always been very good at letting me spend even an
inordinate amount of time on Linux, but as a result I've been feeling a
little guilty at just how little "real work" I got done lately. To fix
that, I'll instead be working at OSDL, finally actually doing Linux as
my main job.

[ I do not expect a huge amount of change as a result, testament to just
/how/ freely Transmeta has let me do Linux work. My email address will
change to "torvalds@osdl.org" effective July 1st, but everybody is
trying to make the transfer as smooth as possible, so we'll make sure
that there will be sufficient address overlap etc to not cause any
problems ]

OSDL and Transmeta will have a joint official (read: "boring". You
should have seen the bio - that didn't make it - that I suggested for
myself for it ;) press-release about this tomorrow morning, but I just
wanted to say thanks to Transmeta. It has been a special place to work
for, and hello to OSDL that I hope will be the same.

Snif. I'm actually all teary-eyed.

마지막의 I'm actually all teary-eyed가....