"Windows Media Technologies" ported to Linux
글쓴이: chuing / 작성시간: 화, 2003/04/08 - 9:39오전
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윈도우 미디어를 리눅스에 포팅할수 있게 해주겠다는 건가요..?
밑에는 원문입미다..
InterVideo Inc. announced that it has been licensed by Microsoft to supply Windows Media Technology to makers of Linux-based consumer devices. Under the agreement, InterVideo can port various components of Microsoft's Windows Media Technology to Linux, and provide them to manufacturers wanting to run them on Linux-based consumer devices such as set-top boxes, personal video recorders, and other such devices, the company said. The main components involved are Windows Media Audio and Video codecs, Windows Media file container, Windows Media streaming protocols, and DRM support. Currently, InterVideo offers embedded Linux versions of its DVD and DVR PC software for consumer electronics manufacturers. Subsequent to this agreement with Microsoft, the company can now add support for Windows Media Technology to these offerings, the company said. "Linux is quickly becoming the platform of choice for . . . manufacturers of cable, Internet, and satellite set-top boxes that are looking to add PVR (personal video recording) and DVD functionality," noted InterVideo CEO Steve Ro. "We believe most of the major consumer electronics companies are looking at the Linux platform as a stable, low cost solution for multimedia functionality . . . For manufacturers looking to add functionality without incurring huge expenses, using Windows Media Technology could result in high quality audio and video at low licensing costs." InterVideo currently offers software components that support DVD, MP3, PVR and video editing implementations on Linux, and several major consumer electronics devices are expected to ship in 2003 with InterVideo's LinDVD (DVD playback) and/or LinDVR (digital video/personal video recording) functionality inside, the company said. Additionally, InterVideo said it is currently in the process of incorporating MontaVista Software's consumer electronics oriented version of Linux into several set-top reference designs based on X86 and MIPS processors
InterVideo라는 회사가 MS에서 WMT 관련 라이센스를 받았다는
InterVideo라는 회사가 MS에서 WMT 관련 라이센스를 받았다는 이야기네요. 플레이어나 스트리밍 서버, DRM에 대한 리눅스 포팅이 이루어질 수 있다는 이야기인데, 오픈 소스와는 관련 없는 이야기입니다.
지금도 미국의 몇몇 회사는 MS와 계약 하에 WMT 관련 제품의 리눅스 버전을 갖고 있습니다. http://www.starbak.com 같은 곳은 리눅스 버전의 WMT 스트리밍 서버/캐시를 판매하고 있고요. 그런 회사들 중 하나가 된 것이겠죠.
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