Console/X11 CJK Environment
CCE let you display and input Chinese/Japanese/Korean/UTF8 in many OS: Linux *BSD Solaris LynxOS QNX SCOUnix Minix Hurd BeOS Windows Darwin MacOSX. It supports console(framebuffer/VGA) & X11(through GGI/SDL), bitmap/TrueType fonts and many input methods.
콘솔 및 X에서 동시에 사용가능한 한글입력기 만드는데
참고할만한 좋은 자료인거같습니다.
다만 20년 전에 만들어진 소스입니다.
CCE(Console Chinese/Japanese/Korean Environment)
CCE lets you display and input Chinese/Japanese/Korean in lots of OS.
It works in both console mode and X Windows(through GGI/SDL library).
CCE supports both frame buffer(Linux and FreeBSD only) and VGA(640x480x16
colors) display. CCE also includes lots of GB/GBK/Big5 input methods
like Intelligent Pinyin, Zhuyin, WuBi, CangJie, DaYi, etc.
Major Features:
1) Support lots of OS: Linux, *BSD, LynxOS, QNX, Solaris, Minix, Hurd,
Darwin, MacOSX, Windows, BeOS, SCO Unix
2) Support lots of encodings: GB2312, GBK, Big5, EUC-JP, Shift-JIS, KSC
UTF-8 also supported through I/O filter
3) Support lots of font formats: Bin, X11 PCF/BDF, TrueType fonts
4) Support lots of display methods: VGA(memory, file, LRMI), framebuffer, GGI, SDL
5) Multiple window support, can support up to 10 windows
6) Dynamic encoding switch between different CJK encodings
7) Support mouse copy/paste in most OS, including Linux gpm mouse server.
8) Lots of input methods for GB/GBK/Big5, including intelligent Pinyin and Zhuyin.
9) Support dynamical keyboard switch for Pinyin/Zhuyin: QuanPin, ShuangPin, TonePY,
10) Association(LianXiang) support for most input methods
I like playing/learning/hacking all sorts of OS, so I ported CCE to a lot of
platforms :)
Console: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, LynxOS, QNX, Solaris, Minix, Hurd, SCO Unix
GGI: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris
SDL: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, BeOS, QNX, MS Windows, Mac OS X
Supported Display Methods:
Direct VGA(memory, file, LRMI), Frame Buffer, GGI, SDL
Supported Font Formats:
Bin, X11 PCF/BDF, FreeType's Type1/TrueType/OpenType
CCE supports bitmap fonts(its own bin format or X11 bdf/pcf format) and TrueType
fonts. By default CCE will use bitmap fonts specified in config file cce.cfg.
If you want to use TrueType fonts (doesn't support VGA mode), you need to use
-ttfont option to specify the font filename. For example, you can use MS Windows'
TTF font simsun.ttc or simhei.ttf(Unicoded):
cce -ttfont simhei.ttf -ttsize 24
CCE supports Unicode through an encoding filter(iconv), for example, to support
UTF-8 locale and Linux console:
cce -filter UTF-8
When you are using CCE/GGI in X Windows, you need to let the cursor
stay inside CCE window, otherwise CCE will not get key input, is that
a GGI bug? SDL doesn't have this problem. --- related to Window Manager
1. CCE's *.tab files(for input methods) are endian-sensitive, so you can't just
copy *.tab files between little-endian and big-endian system, you need to
regenerate them otherwise it won't work. However, CCE's *.bin font files are
not endian-sensitive.
2. If you are trying to run CCE/SDL, but it reports error message related to
pthread, then please add -lpthread to CCE's LIBS variable(src/Makefile).
All the source codes are published under GPL.
Please read INSTALL and README. for more information.
The primary site for releases of this software is: