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리눅스에서 타켓을 엠에스윈도로 크로스컴파일하면 될 거 같은데...
어디서 부터 시작을 해야 될지 모르겠네요...
여기서 시작하면 될 거 같고...
크로스 컴파일도 공부해야 겠고...
아래 글도 도움이 될 듯...
For everyone who had the *“install” is not a platform known by ‘crossroad’* issue, Jehan discovered there is actually a problem with pip which fucks up some files in crossroad.
The solution for you is to install crossroad from the source:
For instance to install locally, this should suffice:
./setup install –prefix=$HOME/.local
Jehan will look into how to fixing the pip install.
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