
익명 사용자의 이미지

Linus Torvalds to leave Transmeta for Guinness

Linus Torvalds announced today that he is retiring from Transmeta and will be moving to Belfast and taking up a job with
Guinness Breweries. In an unusual press conference, the creator of the popular Linux computer operating system was cheered
by members of the press when he explained his reasons.

Linus' unexpected decision was largely related to the recent announcement of redundancies at the Guinness plant in Dundalk,
where ex-staff will be compensated with free beer for life. The announcement brought home to him the many discussions
about the nature of Free Software and, Linus said, finally helped him decide that Free Beer was more meaningful to him than
Free Speech. The hardened hacks present agreed with this sentiment completely, and Linus received a standing ovation. Free
beer was then made available to all.

Guinness are now expected to allow Linus to concentrate on evangelising his Operating System with the confidence provided
by large quantities of their product. Guinness also showed drafts of a new advertising campaign based on their classic Toucan
ads, but now featuring Tux the Penguin. The company is also believed to be considering a "Peace, Love, Free Beer, Linux"
campaign as well as a new "Linux is good for you" slogan.

Posted on Wed 20 Jun 092840 2001 PDT
Written by PeeGee

익명 사용자의 이미지

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