스팸메일인가요? 그냥 무시해도 될지 모르겠습니다.
저희가 사용 중인 도메인은 mydomainname.com 으로 수정해서 문의드립니다.
메일 내용이 3개인데요, 보낸 사람의 메일 주소가 Administrator@mydomainname.com 입니다.
실제로 Administrator 메일 계정은 세팅되어 있지 않습니다.
무슨 메일인걸까요?
그냥 무시해도 되는 메일일까요?
혹시 이런 메일을 받아보신 경험이 있으신가요?
조언 좀 구하고자 문의드립니다.
--------------- 메일 1 시작 ------------------------------------------------------
From: Administrator@mydomainname.com [mailto:Administrator@mydomainname.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 3:24 AM
To: mailaccount@mydomainname.com
Subject: Confidential - ALL Employees Important Document(s)
Please find attached documentation I will need you to complete and send
back to me as soon as you can if thats okay.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide you with any further
support or assistance.
Thank you
This e-mail and / or any attachment(s) is intended solely for the above-
mentioned recipient(s) and it may contain confidential or privileged
information. If you have received it in error, please notify us immediately
at helpdesk@mydomainname.com and delete the e-mail. You must not copy it,
distribute it, disclose it or take any action in reliance on it. For
Affiliate Members, this publication is only intended to provide a summary.
It does not purport to be comprehensive, definitive or to be legal advice.
Changes to the law and government policy may occur quickly. We recommend
that specific legal or other professional advice be obtained about matters
discussed in this publication. We give no warranty (and accepts no
liability) for loss or damage sustained by any person, corporation or other
legal entity as a direct or indirect consequence of their reliance on the
matters contained in this publication. For the future of our children
please consider the environment before printing this email.
--------------- 메일 1 끝 ------------------------------------------------------
--------------- 메일 2 시작 ------------------------------------------------------
From: Administrator@mydomainname.com [mailto:Administrator@mydomainname.com]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 12:28 AM
To: mailaccount@mydomainname.com
Subject: Important - New Outlook Settings
Please carefully read the attached instructions before updating settings.
This e-mail and / or any attachment(s) is intended solely for the above-
mentioned recipient(s) and it may contain confidential or privileged
information. If you have received it in error, please notify us immediately
at helpdesk@mydomainname.com and delete the e-mail. You must not copy it,
distribute it, disclose it or take any action in reliance on it.
--------------- 메일 2 끝 ------------------------------------------------------
--------------- 메일 3 시작 ------------------------------------------------------
From: Administrator@mydomainname.com [mailto:Administrator@mydomainname.com]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 12:29 AM
To: mailaccount@mydomainname.com
Subject: Important - New Outlook Settings
Please carefully read the attached instructions before updating settings.
This e-mail and / or any attachment(s) is intended solely for the above-
mentioned recipient(s) and it may contain confidential or privileged
information. If you have received it in error, please notify us immediately
at helpdesk@mydomainname.com and delete the e-mail. You must not copy it,
distribute it, disclose it or take any action in reliance on it.
--------------- 메일 3 끝 ------------------------------------------------------
Spam 입니다.
Domain Registra 몇개 사용하지만, 이런 메일 받은 적이 없습니다. ^^
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