오픈소스 minishell 약간 수정해서 컴파일 했지만....
글쓴이: janues / 작성시간: 수, 2013/01/16 - 7:52오후
AIX 5.3 버전에서 cc -o test test.c 로 컴파일 했습니다.
컴파일 후 test를 실행시키고 ls, ls -al, ls -al .. 명령어를 입력했을때
아래처럼 화면에 출력이 전혀 나오지 않습니다.
/test/source ]@ ls
/test/source ]@ ls -al
/test/source ]@ ls -al ..
/test/source ]@ cd ..
/test/source ]@
뭐가 문제일까요? input은 되는것 같은데 output 이 안되는 건지....
#include <stdio.h> #include <definitions.h> #include <utilities.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #define MAXLINE 4096 void handleUserCommand() { /* if( chk_pipe()==1) */ /* { */ if (checkBuiltInCommands() == 0) { /* printf("%d",commandArgc); */ launchJob(commandArgv, "STANDARD", 0, FOREGROUND); /* puts(commandArgv[1]); */ } } /* int check_pipe() */ /*{ */ void pipelining(int flag) { char line[MAXLINE]; FILE *fpin, *fpout; char arg1[50],arg2[50]; int i; if(flag==2) { strcat(arg1,commandArgv[0]); strcpy(arg2,commandArgv[2]); } else { for(i=0;i<flag-1;i++) { strcat(arg1,commandArgv[i]); strcat(arg1," "); } strcpy(arg2,commandArgv[commandArgc-1]); } puts(commandArgv[0]); puts(arg1); puts(arg2); if ((fpin = popen(arg1, "rw")) == NULL) printf("can't open %s", arg1); if ((fpout = popen(arg2, "rw")) == NULL) printf("popen error"); while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fpin) != NULL) { if (fputs(line, fpout) == EOF) printf("fputs error to pipe"); } if (ferror(fpin)) printf("fgets error"); if (pclose(fpout) == -1) printf("pclose error\n"); /* return 1; */ } int checkBuiltInCommands() { if (strcmp("exit", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (strcmp("cd", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { changeDirectory(); return 1; } /* if (strcmp("in", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { launchJob(commandArgv + 2, *(commandArgv + 1), STDIN, FOREGROUND); return 1; } if (strcmp("out", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { launchJob(commandArgv + 2, *(commandArgv + 1), STDOUT, FOREGROUND); return 1; }*/ if (strcmp("bg", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { if (commandArgv[1] == NULL) return 0; if (strcmp("in", commandArgv[1]) == 0) launchJob(commandArgv + 3, *(commandArgv + 2), STDIN, BACKGROUND); else if (strcmp("out", commandArgv[1]) == 0) launchJob(commandArgv + 3, *(commandArgv + 2), STDOUT, BACKGROUND); else launchJob(commandArgv + 1, "STANDARD", 0, BACKGROUND); return 1; } if (strcmp("fg", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { if (commandArgv[1] == NULL) return 0; int jobId = (int) atoi(commandArgv[1]); t_job* job = getJob(jobId, BY_JOB_ID); if (job == NULL) return 0; if (job->status == SUSPENDED || job->status == WAITING_INPUT) putJobForeground(job, TRUE); else /* status = BACKGROUND */ putJobForeground(job, FALSE); return 1; } if (strcmp("jobs", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { printJobs(); return 1; } if (strcmp("kill", commandArgv[0]) == 0) { if (commandArgv[1] == NULL) return 0; killJob(atoi(commandArgv[1])); return 1; } /* //int i; ////for( i=0;i<=commandArgc;i++) //{ //char *str; //strcpy(str,commandArgv); */ if( commandArgc == 3 ) { if(strcmp("|", commandArgv[1]) == 0 ) { pipelining(2); return 1; } /* return 1; */ } if( commandArgc > 3 ) { if(strcmp("|", commandArgv[commandArgc-2]) == 0 ) { /* //puts("works"); //printf("%d",commandArgc); */ pipelining(commandArgc-1); return 1; } } /* //break; } */ /* return 0; */ } void executeCommand(char *command[], char *file, int newDescriptor, int executionMode) { int commandDescriptor; if (newDescriptor == STDIN) { commandDescriptor = open(file, O_RDONLY, 0600); dup2(commandDescriptor, STDIN_FILENO); close(commandDescriptor); } if (newDescriptor == STDOUT) { commandDescriptor = open(file, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0600); dup2(commandDescriptor, STDOUT_FILENO); close(commandDescriptor); } if (execvp(*command, command) == -1) perror("MSH"); } void launchJob(char *command[], char *file, int newDescriptor, int executionMode) { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); switch (pid) { case -1: perror("MSH"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 0: signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGCHLD, &signalHandler_child); signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL); usleep(20000); setpgrp(); if (executionMode == FOREGROUND) tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, getpid()); if (executionMode == BACKGROUND) printf("[%d] %d\n", ++numActiveJobs, (int) getpid()); executeCommand(command, file, newDescriptor, executionMode); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; default: setpgid(pid, pid); jobsList = insertJob(pid, pid, *(command), file, (int) executionMode); t_job* job = getJob(pid, BY_PROCESS_ID); if (executionMode == FOREGROUND) { putJobForeground(job, FALSE); } if (executionMode == BACKGROUND) putJobBackground(job, FALSE); break; } } void putJobForeground(t_job* job, int continueJob) { job->status = FOREGROUND; tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, job->pgid); if (continueJob) { if (kill(-job->pgid, SIGCONT) < 0) perror("kill (SIGCONT)"); } waitJob(job); tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, MSH_PGID); } void putJobBackground(t_job* job, int continueJob) { if (job == NULL) return; if (continueJob && job->status != WAITING_INPUT) job->status = WAITING_INPUT; if (continueJob) if (kill(-job->pgid, SIGCONT) < 0) perror("kill (SIGCONT)"); tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, MSH_PGID); } void waitJob(t_job* job) { int terminationStatus; while (waitpid(job->pid, &terminationStatus, WNOHANG) == 0) { if (job->status == SUSPENDED) return; } jobsList = delJob(job); } void killJob(int jobId) { t_job *job = getJob(jobId, BY_JOB_ID); kill(job->pid, SIGKILL); } void changeDirectory() { if (commandArgv[1] == NULL) { chdir(getenv("HOME")); } else { if (chdir(commandArgv[1]) == -1) { printf(" %s: no such directory\n", commandArgv[1]); } } } void init() { MSH_PID = getpid(); MSH_TERMINAL = STDIN_FILENO; MSH_IS_INTERACTIVE = isatty(MSH_TERMINAL); if (MSH_IS_INTERACTIVE) { while (tcgetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL) != (MSH_PGID = getpgrp())) kill(MSH_PID, SIGTTIN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, &signalHandler_child); setpgid(MSH_PID, MSH_PID); MSH_PGID = getpgrp(); if (MSH_PID != MSH_PGID) { printf("Error, the shell is not process group leader"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, MSH_PGID) == -1) tcgetattr(MSH_TERMINAL, &MSH_TMODES); currentDirectory = (char*) calloc(1024, sizeof(char)); } else { printf("Could not make MSH interactive. Exiting..\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { init(); welcomeScreen(); shellPrompt(); while (TRUE) { userInput = getchar(); switch (userInput) { case '\n': shellPrompt(); break; default: getTextLine(); handleUserCommand(); shellPrompt(); break; } } printf("\n"); return 0; } void signalHandler_child(int p) { pid_t pid; int terminationStatus; pid = waitpid (-1, &terminationStatus, WUNTRACED | WNOHANG); if (pid > 0) { t_job* job = getJob(pid, BY_PROCESS_ID); if (job == NULL) return; if (WIFEXITED(terminationStatus)) { if (job->status == BACKGROUND) { printf("\n[%d]+ Done\t %s\n", job->id, job->name); jobsList = delJob(job); } } else if (WIFSIGNALED(terminationStatus)) { printf("\n[%d]+ KILLED\t %s\n", job->id, job->name); jobsList = delJob(job); } else if (WIFSTOPPED(terminationStatus)) { if (job->status == BACKGROUND) { tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, MSH_PGID); changeJobStatus(pid, WAITING_INPUT); printf("\n[%d]+ suspended [wants input]\t %s\n", numActiveJobs, job->name); } else { tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, job->pgid); changeJobStatus(pid, SUSPENDED); printf("\n[%d]+ stopped\t %s\n", numActiveJobs, job->name); } return; } else { if (job->status == BACKGROUND) { jobsList = delJob(job); } } tcsetpgrp(MSH_TERMINAL, MSH_PGID); } }
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