ps -ef|grep httpd 질문입니다
글쓴이: cycix / 작성시간: 월, 2012/04/23 - 1:54오후
root 13052 1 0 Apr22 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start root 13054 1 0 Apr22 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start root 13056 13054 0 Apr22 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 6613 13054 2 10:48 ? 00:04:49 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 6700 13054 3 10:55 ? 00:05:54 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 6804 13054 2 10:57 ? 00:04:33 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 6832 13054 3 10:57 ? 00:04:47 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 6936 13054 2 11:14 ? 00:03:48 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 7041 13054 4 11:16 ? 00:06:09 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 7091 13054 3 11:20 ? 00:04:08 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 7444 13054 2 12:23 ? 00:01:52 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start daemon 7845 13054 2 13:29 ? 00:00:04 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start
왜 root 가 3개죠?
pid 13054 인 root 하나만 있으면 될것 같은데~ 3개인 이유가 궁금합니다~ (~_~)~
그리고, 번외로
/var/log/memssage 에 한시간에 한번씩
Apr 23 10:40:21 localhost : error getting update info: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: base. Please verify its path and try again
Apr 23 10:49:27 localhost restorecond: Will not restore a file with more than one hard link (/etc/resolv.conf) Invalid argument
이러한 로그들이 쌓여서 yum을 check했더니
[root@localhost log]# yum check-update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile [Errno 12] Timeout: <urlopen error timed out> Trying other mirror. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: base. Please verify its path and try again
이렇게 되네요 -_-;;
해결방법좀 알려주세요~
* /etc/resolv.conf
search localdomain nameserver nameserver
** [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# cat CentOS-Base.repo
# CentOS-Base.repo # # This file uses a new mirrorlist system developed by Lance Davis for CentOS. # The mirror system uses the connecting IP address of the client and the # update status of each mirror to pick mirrors that are updated to and # geographically close to the client. You should use this for CentOS updates # unless you are manually picking other mirrors. # # If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try the # remarked out baseurl= line instead. # # [base] name=CentOS-$releasever - Base #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=os #baseurl=$releasever/os/$basearch/ baseurl=$releasever/os/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5 #released updates [updates] name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=updates #baseurl=$releasever/updates/$basearch/ baseurl=$releasever/updates/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5 #packages used/produced in the build but not released [addons] name=CentOS-$releasever - Addons #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=addons #baseurl=$releasever/addons/$basearch/ baseurl=$releasever/addons/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5 #additional packages that may be useful [extras] name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=extras #baseurl=$releasever/extras/$basearch/ baseurl=$releasever/extras/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5 #additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages [centosplus] name=CentOS-$releasever - Plus #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=centosplus #baseurl=$releasever/centosplus/$basearch/ baseurl=$releasever/centosplus/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5 #contrib - packages by Centos Users [contrib] name=CentOS-$releasever - Contrib #mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=contrib #baseurl=$releasever/contrib/$basearch/ baseurl=$releasever/contrib/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
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