AP서버 로그에 대한 패턴 분류 작업을 하고 싶은데 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?
AP 서버에서 분출되는 로그에 대한 패턴을 분석해서 분류하는 작업을 하고 싶은 데
어떻게 하면 좋을까요?
프로그램을 소개시켜 주셔도 좋고 알고리즘이나 자료를 알려주셔도 좋구요
아래 것은 그나마 많이 정리되어 나오는 것이고 보통은 이보다 많이 자유분방합니다.
2011-08-09 PM 07:12:47 [6727] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic INSERT or UPDATE statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (Neow_GT.PK_GT_REQ_INFO) violated
2011-08-09 PM 07:32:58 [6727] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic INSERT or UPDATE statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (Neow_GT.PK_GT_REQ_INFO) violated
2011-08-09 PM 07:35:13 [6727] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic INSERT or UPDATE statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (Neow_GT.PK_GT_REQ_INFO) violated
2011-08-09 PM 07:41:16 [6727] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic INSERT or UPDATE statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (Neow_GT.PK_GT_REQ_INFO) violated
2011-08-09 PM 07:42:57 [6727] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic INSERT or UPDATE statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (Neow_GT.PK_GT_REQ_INFO) violated
2011-08-09 PM 07:47:00 [6727] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic INSERT or UPDATE statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (Neow_GT.PK_GT_REQ_INFO) violated
2011-08-10 AM 10:40:40 [6726] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic SELECT statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
) ().
2011-08-10 AM 11:41:25 [6717] [DATA] Error (Error creating local file in file transfer :: /work/Titan/Titan_web/const/temp/downloadFiles/Titan-PP-??????-V1.0.doc (No such file or directory)) retrieving content to a client file from archive O_CONST_ARC. Other archives will be tried.
2011-08-10 AM 11:41:25 [6716] [DATA] There are no available archives that can access content for element 200412072138530, last local path /arc_const01/001/91/200412072138530.
2011-08-10 PM 03:37:19 [6727] [DATA] An error occurred in a dynamic INSERT or UPDATE statement (JDBC Error : ORA-00001: unique constraint (Neow_GT.PK_GT_REQ_INFO) violated
2011-08-10 PM 03:51:52 [309] [COMM] Sockets warning: Fatal exception in receive thread (java.lang.NullPointerException : null).
2011-08-10 PM 07:33:28 [6717] [DATA] Error (Error creating local file in file transfer :: /work/Titan/Titan_web/const/temp/downloadFiles/b55555555/???????Page_2.jpg (No such file or directory)) retrieving content to a client file from archive CONST_ARC. Other archives will be tried.
2011-08-10 PM 07:33:28 [6716] [DATA] There are no available archives that can access content for element 201103181837413, last local path /const01/c_v007/90/201103181837413.
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