왜 이런 경고창이 뜰까요?
/dev/sda2:clean, 177457/16277504 files, 2623130/65086976 blocks
fsck.ext3: no such file or directory while trying to open /dev/md5 /dev/md5:
the superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
filesystem.if the device is vaild and it really contains on ext2
filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else ). then the superblock
is corrupt.and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
e2fsck -b 8193
an error occurred during the file system check.
dropping you to shell; the system will reboot.
when you leave the shell
give root password for maintenance
raid5로 묶고 vi /etc/fstab 설정하면 이런 증상발생
/dev/md5 /bio ext3 defaults 11 -->이렇게 추가했어요
문제 생겨서 mount -o remount,rw / --> vi /etc/fstab 에서 삭제하고 재 부팅해 보니 md5가 md127로 바뀌어 있더라구요
상황은 이렇습니다.
fedora 14 500기가 3개 raid 5
도와주세요 (ext3로 md5 포맷했는데 왜 경고창에 ext2 난감)
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