socket의 IPC pair memory address 를 어떻게 찾을 수 있을까요?

dalfengz의 이미지

struct socket *sock;
sock = SOCKET_I( ...->d_inode );

sock->sk->sk_family로 AF_UNIX 비교 가능한 것 까지는 확인해봤는데,
sock->sk->★ 에서 ★이 pair address가 되는 것을 찾을 수가 없네요... 참조하고 있는 코드가 v2.4라서 v2.6에서는 pair가 어디에 있는지 모르겠습니다..

sock->sk 의 구조는 다음과 같습니다.
struct sock {
* Now struct inet_timewait_sock also uses sock_common, so please just
* don't add nothing before this first member (__sk_common) --acme
struct sock_common __sk_common;
#define sk_node __sk_common.skc_node
#define sk_nulls_node __sk_common.skc_nulls_node
#define sk_refcnt __sk_common.skc_refcnt
#define sk_tx_queue_mapping __sk_common.skc_tx_queue_mapping

#define sk_dontcopy_begin __sk_common.skc_dontcopy_begin
#define sk_dontcopy_end __sk_common.skc_dontcopy_end
#define sk_hash __sk_common.skc_hash
#define sk_family __sk_common.skc_family
#define sk_state __sk_common.skc_state
#define sk_reuse __sk_common.skc_reuse
#define sk_bound_dev_if __sk_common.skc_bound_dev_if
#define sk_bind_node __sk_common.skc_bind_node
#define sk_prot __sk_common.skc_prot
#define sk_net __sk_common.skc_net
socket_lock_t sk_lock;
struct sk_buff_head sk_receive_queue;
* The backlog queue is special, it is always used with
* the per-socket spinlock held and requires low latency
* access. Therefore we special case it's implementation.
* Note : rmem_alloc is in this structure to fill a hole
* on 64bit arches, not because its logically part of
* backlog.
struct {
atomic_t rmem_alloc;
int len;
struct sk_buff *head;
struct sk_buff *tail;
} sk_backlog;
#define sk_rmem_alloc sk_backlog.rmem_alloc
int sk_forward_alloc;
__u32 sk_rxhash;
atomic_t sk_drops;
int sk_rcvbuf;

struct sk_filter __rcu *sk_filter;
struct socket_wq __rcu *sk_wq;

struct sk_buff_head sk_async_wait_queue;

struct xfrm_policy *sk_policy[2];
unsigned long sk_flags;
struct dst_entry *sk_dst_cache;
spinlock_t sk_dst_lock;
atomic_t sk_wmem_alloc;
atomic_t sk_omem_alloc;
int sk_sndbuf;
struct sk_buff_head sk_write_queue;
unsigned int sk_shutdown : 2,
sk_no_check : 2,
sk_userlocks : 4,
sk_protocol : 8,
sk_type : 16;
int sk_wmem_queued;
gfp_t sk_allocation;
int sk_route_caps;
int sk_route_nocaps;
int sk_gso_type;
unsigned int sk_gso_max_size;
int sk_rcvlowat;
unsigned long sk_lingertime;
struct sk_buff_head sk_error_queue;
struct proto *sk_prot_creator;
rwlock_t sk_callback_lock;
int sk_err,
unsigned short sk_ack_backlog;
unsigned short sk_max_ack_backlog;
__u32 sk_priority;
struct pid *sk_peer_pid;
const struct cred *sk_peer_cred;
long sk_rcvtimeo;
long sk_sndtimeo;
void *sk_protinfo;
struct timer_list sk_timer;
ktime_t sk_stamp;
struct socket *sk_socket;
void *sk_user_data;
struct page *sk_sndmsg_page;
struct sk_buff *sk_send_head;
__u32 sk_sndmsg_off;
int sk_write_pending;
void *sk_security;
__u32 sk_mark;
u32 sk_classid;
void (*sk_state_change)(struct sock *sk);
void (*sk_data_ready)(struct sock *sk, int bytes);
void (*sk_write_space)(struct sock *sk);
void (*sk_error_report)(struct sock *sk);
int (*sk_backlog_rcv)(struct sock *sk,
struct sk_buff *skb);
void (*sk_destruct)(struct sock *sk);

계속 찾아보니 socketpair 라는 시스템콜이 나오기는 하는데... 도통 모르겠네요...


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