자유소프트웨어재단이 안드로이드 개발자들이 GPL2를 GPL3로 업그레이드하길 촉구합니다
Android GPLv2 termination worries: one more reason to upgrade to GPLv3
When the Rules Are Broken: A Smooth Path to Compliance
Under GPLv2, if you violated the license in any way, your rights were automatically and permanently lost. The only way to get them back was to petition the copyright holder. While a strong defense against violations is valuable, this policy could cause a lot of headache when someone accidentally ran afoul of the rules. Asking all the copyright holders for a formal restoration of the license could be burdensome and costly: a typical GNU/Linux distribution draws upon the work of thousands.
GPLv3 offers a reprieve for good behavior: if you violate the license, you'll get your rights back once you stop the violation, unless a copyright holder contacts you within 60 days. After you receive such a notice, you can have your rights fully restored if you're a first-time violator and correct the violation within 30 days. Otherwise, you can work out the issue on a case-by-case basis with the copyright holders who contacted you, and your rights will be restored afterward.
Compliance with the GPL has always been the top priority of the FSF Compliance Lab and other groups enforcing the license worldwide. These changes ensure that compliance remains the top priority for enforcers, and gives violators incentive to comply.
GPL2는 실수로 GPL을 어기면 사용권리가 영구히 소멸되어 되살리려면 소스 개발자들에게 일일히 허가를 받아야 해서 부담이 컸는데 GPL3는 일정 기간 후 자동으로 복구되기 때문이라고 합니다.