자유소프트웨어재단이 하드웨어 인증 서비스를 합니다
글쓴이: cleansugar / 작성시간: 토, 2011/09/17 - 3:31오전
Hardware we all want: FSF announces criteria for hardware endorsement program
자유소프트웨어가 잘 돌아가는 하드웨어를 후원하는 것을 시작한다고 합니다.
Conditions for endorsement 1.2.1 Always 100% free software
1.2.2 User installation of modified software
1.2.3 Compilation
1.2.4 Connection to non-free software products
1.2.5 Software for building, installation and maintenance
1.2.6 No spying
1.2.7 Confusion with other products
1.2.8 Formats
1.2.9 Patents
1.2.10 Documentation
1.2.11 Incompatible endorsements
1.2.12 Cooperation with FSF and GNU public relations
1.2.13 Termination