e107 test translation 2
define(LAN_124, "Total unique site views: ");
define(LAN_125, "Total site views: ");
define(LAN_126, "Unique views by page: ");
define(LAN_127, "Total views by page: ");
define(LAN_128, "Browser: ");
define(LAN_129, "Operating system: ");
define(LAN_130, "Countries/Domains visited from: ");
define(LAN_131, "Referers: ");
define(LAN_132, "Site Statistics");
define(LAN_133, "Thankyou");
define(LAN_134, "Your item has been submitted and will be reviewed by one of the site administrators in due course.");
define(LAN_135, "News Item: ");
define(LAN_136, "Submit News Item");
define(LAN_137, "There is no information for that user as they are not registered at");
define(LAN_138, "Registered members: ");
define(LAN_139, "Order: ");
define(LAN_140, "Registered members");
define(LAN_141, "No registered members yet.");
define(LAN_142, "Member");
define(LAN_143, "[hidden by request]");
define(LAN_144, "Website URL: ");
define(LAN_145, "Registered:");
define(LAN_146, "Visits to site since registration: ");
define(LAN_147, "Chatbox posts: ");
define(LAN_148, "Comments posted: ");
define(LAN_149, "Forum posts: ");
define(LAN_150, "Settings updated and saved into database.");
define(LAN_151, "OK");
define(LAN_152, "New Password: ");
define(LAN_153, "Re-type New Password: ");
define(LAN_154, "Update Settings");
define(LAN_155, "Update User Settings");
define(LAN_185, "You left the password field blank,");
define(LAN_156, "Submit");
define(LAN_157, "Reset");
define(LAN_158, "No messages yet.");
define(LAN_159, "View all posts");
define(LAN_160, "Webmaster: ");
define(LAN_161, "Headlines");
define(LAN_162, "No active survey.");
define(LAN_163, "Submit Vote");
define(LAN_164, "Votes: ");
define(LAN_165, "Old Surveys");
define(LAN_166, "No articles yet.");
define(LAN_167, "Articles");
define(LAN_168, "Our headlines can be syndicated by using either our rss or text feeds.");
define(LAN_169, "Backend");
define(LAN_170, "W3C Compliance");
define(LAN_171, "Unique user id not recognised (possible corrupted cookie).<br />Please <a href=\"index.php?logout\">click here</a> to destroy cookie.");
define(LAN_172, "Logout");
define(LAN_173, "Login Error");
define(LAN_174, "Signup");
define(LAN_175, "Login");
define(LAN_176, "On this page: ");
define(LAN_177, "Total: ");
define(LAN_178, "Members: ");
define(LAN_179, "Online");
define(LAN_180, "Search");
define(LAN_181, "Link to us");
define(LAN_182, "Chatbox");
define(LAN_183, "Main Menu");
define(LAN_184, "Poll");
// #### Added in v5 #### //
define(LAN_186, "Send News Item");
define(LAN_187, "Email address to send to");
define(LAN_188, "I thought you might be interested in this news story from");
define(LAN_189, "Powered by");
define(LAN_190, "Reviews");
define(LAN_191, "Information");
define(LAN_192, "The users of this forum have posted a total of ");
define(LAN_193, "Forum Moderator");
define(LAN_194, "Guest");
define(LAN_195, "Registered Member");
define(LAN_196, "You have read ");
define(LAN_197, " of these posts.");
define(LAN_198, " All new posts have been read.");
define(LAN_199, "Mark all posts as read");
define(LAN_200, "close this thread");
define(LAN_201, "reopen this thread");
define(LAN_202, "Sticky thread");
define(LAN_203, "Sticky/Closed thread");
define(LAN_204, "You <b>can</b> start new threads");
define(LAN_205, "You <b>cannot</b> start new threads");
define(LAN_206, "You <b>can</b> post replies");
define(LAN_207, "You <b>cannot</b> post replies");
define(LAN_208, "You <b>can</b> edit your posts");
define(LAN_209, "You <b>cannot</b> edit your posts");
define(LAN_210, "You <b>can</b> delete your posts");
define(LAN_211, "You <b>cannot</b> delete your posts");
define(LAN_212, "Forgot password?");
define(LAN_213, "That username/email address was not found in database.");
define(LAN_214, "Unable to reset password");
define(LAN_215, "Your password for ".SITENAME." has been reset. Your new password is\n\n");
define(LAN_216, "To validate your new password please go to the following URL ...");
define(LAN_217, "Thankyou, your new password is now validated. You may now login using your new password.");
define(LAN_281, "Guests: ");
define(LAN_300, "That username was not found in the database.<br /><br />");
define(LAN_301, "Incorrect password.<br /><br />");
define(LAN_302, "You have not activated your account. You should have received an email with instructions on how to confirm your account, if not please contact a site administrator.<br /><br />");
define(LAN_303, "This news item is from ");
define(LAN_304, "Article Title: ");
define(LAN_305, "Subheading: ");
define(LAN_306, "This article is from ");
define(LAN_307, "Total posts in this category: ");
define(LAN_308, "Real Name: ");
define(LAN_309, "Please enter your details below - <b>a verification email will be sent to the email address you enter here so it must be valid, </b>if you do not wish to display your email address on this site please tick the hide email address box.");
define(LAN_310, "Unable to accept post as that username is registered - if it is your username please login to post.");
define(LAN_311, "Anonymous");
define(LAN_312, "Duplicate post - unable to accept.");
define(LAN_313, "Please choose which list you wish to display ...");
define(LAN_314, "Classes: ");
define(LAN_315, "Users: ");
define(LAN_316, "Go to page ");
define(LAN_317, "None");
define(LAN_318, "moderator options: ");
define(LAN_319, "Unstick");
define(LAN_320, "Stick");
define(LAN_321, "Moderators: ");
define(LAN_322, "Posted: ");
define(LAN_323, "Preview");
define(LAN_324, "Your message has been successfully posted.");
define(LAN_325, "Click Here to view your message");
define(LAN_326, "Click here to return to the forum");
define(LAN_327, "Review");