e107 test translation
define(LAN_0, "[blocked by admin]");
define(LAN_1, "Unblock");
define(LAN_2, "Block");
define(LAN_3, "Delete");
define(LAN_4, "Info");
define(LAN_5, "Comments ...");
define(LAN_6, "You must be logged in to post comments on this site - please either log in or if you are not registered click <a href=\"signup.php\">here</a> to signup");
define(LAN_7, "Login Name: ");
define(LAN_8, "Comment");
define(LAN_9, "Submit comment");
define(LAN_10, "Shortcut tags allowed: [b] [i] [u] [img] [center] [link]<br />use [link=link text] link url [/link] for links<br />Line breaks (&br /&) are auto added.");
define(LAN_11, "Chatbox (all posts)");
define(LAN_12, "Chat Posts");
define(LAN_13, "News story deleted.");
define(LAN_14, "News updated in database.");
define(LAN_15, "News entered into database.");
define(LAN_16, "Username: ");
define(LAN_17, "Password: ");
define(LAN_18, "Please log in");
define(LAN_19, "Unable to write news.xml file to server, please ensure the /backend directory has the correct permissions set (666)");
define(LAN_20, "Error");
define(LAN_21, "Total page visits today: ");
define(LAN_22, "Total page visits ever: ");
define(LAN_23, "Total site views: ");
define(LAN_24, "fuck|piss|shit|cunt|cock|asshole|motherfucker|mother fucker| arse|pussy|faggot");
define(LAN_25, "Previous page");
define(LAN_26, "Next page");
define(LAN_27, "You left required field(s) blank");
define(LAN_28, "Err you didn't post anything ..");
define(LAN_29, "Edited");
define(LAN_30, "Welcome");
define(LAN_31, "There are no new posts ");
define(LAN_32, "There is 1 new post ");
define(LAN_33, "There are");
define(LAN_34, "new posts");
define(LAN_35, "since your last visit.");
define(LAN_36, "You last visit visited at ");
define(LAN_37, "It is now is ");
define(LAN_38, ", all times are GMT");
define(LAN_39, "total topics");
define(LAN_40, "total posts.");
define(LAN_41, "Newest member: ");
define(LAN_42, "Registered members: ");
define(LAN_43, "These forums can be browsed and posted to by non-registered users, but if you wish to see info related to new posts, edit/delete your posts etc you will have to <a href=\"signup.php\">register</a> and log in.");
define(LAN_44, "These forums can be browsed and posted to by non-registered users, ip addresses and host will be logged.");
define(LAN_45, "These forums can only be posted to by registered and logged in members, please click <a href=\"signup.php\">here</a> to go to the registration page.");
define(LAN_46, "Forum");
define(LAN_47, "Threads");
define(LAN_48, "Replies");
define(LAN_49, "Last Post");
define(LAN_50, "Moderators");
define(LAN_51, "No forums yet, please check back soon.");
define(LAN_52, "No forums in this section yet, please check back soon.");
define(LAN_53, "Thread");
define(LAN_54, "Starter");
define(LAN_55, "Replies");
define(LAN_56, "Views");
define(LAN_57, "Lastpost");
define(LAN_58, "There are no topics in this forum yet.");
define(LAN_59, "You must be a registered member and logged in to post on this forum. Click <a href=\"signup.php\">here</a> to sign up or login from the login menu.");
define(LAN_60, "Start New Thread");
define(LAN_61, "Your Name: ");
define(LAN_62, "Subject: ");
define(LAN_63, "Post: ");
define(LAN_64, "Submit new thread");
define(LAN_65, "Admin detected - moderation switched on");
define(LAN_66, "This thread is now closed");
define(LAN_67, "posts");
define(LAN_68, "edit");
define(LAN_69, "delete");
define(LAN_70, "move");
define(LAN_71, "No replies.");
define(LAN_72, "Originally posted by");
define(LAN_73, "Reply: ");
define(LAN_74, "Reply to thread");
define(LAN_75, "Post Reply");
define(LAN_76, "Reply");
define(LAN_77, "Update Thread");
define(LAN_78, "Update Reply");
define(LAN_79, "New posts");
define(LAN_80, " No new posts");
define(LAN_81, "Closed thread");
define(LAN_82, "News - Category");
define(LAN_83, "No news items yet - please check back soon.");
define(LAN_84, "News Items");
define(LAN_85, "No links yet.");
define(LAN_86, "Category:");
define(LAN_87, "Button for");
define(LAN_88, "Referals:");
define(LAN_89, "Admin: ");
define(LAN_90, "add new link in this category");
define(LAN_91, "add new category");
define(LAN_92, "Old Surveys");
define(LAN_93, "No old polls yet.");
define(LAN_94, "Posted by");
define(LAN_95, "Total votes:");
define(LAN_96, "Polls");
define(LAN_97, "No matches.");
define(LAN_98, "News Items");
define(LAN_99, "Comments");
define(LAN_100, "Articles");
define(LAN_101, "Chatbox");
define(LAN_102, "Links");
define(LAN_103, "Forum");
define(LAN_104, "That user name already exists in the database, please choose a different user name.");
define(LAN_105, "The two passwords do not match, please re-enter.");
define(LAN_106, "That doesn't appear to be a valid email address, please re-enter.");
define(LAN_107, "Thankyou! You are now a registered member of ".SITENAME.", please keep your username and password written down in a safe place as if lost they cannot be retrieved.<br /><br />You can now login from the Login box.");
define(LAN_108, "Registration complete");
define(LAN_109, "This site complies with The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) and as such cannot accept registrations from users under the age of 13 without a written permission document from their parent or guardian. For more information you can read the legislation <a href=\"http://www.cdt.org/legislation/105th/privacy/coppa.html\">here</a>. Please contact the main site admin <a href=\"mailto:".SITEADMINEMAIL."\">here</a> if you require assistance.<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align:center\"><b>Please certify you are over the age of 13");
define(LAN_110, "Registration");
define(LAN_111, "Re-type Password: ");
define(LAN_112, "Email Address: ");
define(LAN_113, "Hide email address?: ");
define(LAN_114, "(This will prevent your email address from being displayed)");
define(LAN_115, "ICQ Number: ");
define(LAN_116, "AIM Nickname: ");
define(LAN_117, "MSN Nickname: ");
define(LAN_118, "Birthday: ");
define(LAN_119, "Location: ");
define(LAN_120, "Signature: ");
define(LAN_121, "Image: ");
define(LAN_122, "Timezone:");
define(LAN_123, "Register");