구글 채용: Autocompleter

lacovnk의 이미지


연봉도 짭잘한 것 같습니다 ;)


Watch anonymized search queries as they come in to Google.
Predict and type completions based on your personal experience and intuition.
Suggest spelling corrections when relevant.
Keep updated with query trends and offer fresh suggestions.


Excellent knowledge of English and at least one other language.
Excellent knowledge of grammatical rules (e.g. parts of speech, parsing).
Understanding of the search engine space.
Proven web search experience.
Good typing skills (at least 32,000 WPM).
Willingness to travel (in order to provide local autocompletions) or relocate to obscure places like Nauru and Tuvalu to develop knowledge of local news and trends.
Certificate in psychic reading strongly preferred: palm, tarot, hypnosis, astrology, numerology, runes and/or auras.

snowall의 이미지


업무내용은 괜찮은데 요구조건이 세군요...

피할 수 있을때 즐겨라! http://melotopia.net/b

plustag의 이미지


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