올해 ACM Programming Contest 의 우승은?
참가팀 리스트를 보면 우리나라는 KAIST와 연대가 있군요
경기할때 점수가 라이브로 웹에서 확인할수있으니까
응원하면 잼있겠네요.. ㅋㅋ
작년 우승학교는 Shanghai JiaoTong University인데..
이번에도 우승할수 있을까요?
ACM Programmaing Contest에 대해 얘기해봐요~
Africa and the Middle East
American University in Cairo: Epsilon
University of Cape Town: The Teddyborg
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology: BUET Loopers
East China University of Science and Technology: Multistar
Fudan University: Team 5
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay: Jnanis
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology: Sentimental Gorillas
Nanyang Technological University: NT United
National Chiao-Tung University: NCTU Fresh Team
National University of Singapore: NUS-SOC
Shanghai JiaoTong University: Team X
The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Format String
The University of Tokyo: Lighthouse
Tokyo Institute of Technology: Frankdock
Tsinghua University: I Believe
Yonsei University: Commencement
Zhejiang University: Snake
Zhongshan University: Bearcat
Albert Einstein University Ulm: Sparrows
Belarusian State University: BSU-Infinity
Comenius University: Comenius
Institute of Physics and Technology, NTU of Ukraine "KPI": PhysTech
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology: Balloons 'R' Us
Marina Nayanova University of Samara: Experts
Moscow State University: MSU
Nizhny Novgorod State University: NNSU
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen: Bug Fiction
Saratov State University: SaratovSU
St Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics: SPb IFMO
St. Petersburg State University: Outsiders
Taras Schevchenko Kiev National University: Argonauts
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg: Die FAU-Maenner
Vologda State Pedagogical University: Oberon
Warsaw University: Warsaw Eagles
Latin America
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio
Universidad de Buenos Aires: UBA
Universidad de Guanajuato: Mandelbrot
Universidad de las Americas-Puebla: Los Novatos
Universidade Estadual de Campinas: IC-UNICAMP
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco: AM/PM
North America
Brigham Young University: Enigmatic Fork
California Institute of Technology: Beavers
Carnegie Mellon University: Dragons
Cornell University: Big Red
Duke University: Tomalbeth
Florida Institute of Technology: Panthers
Harvard University: Harvard
Iowa State University: Cy-Random
Louisiana State University: The Kher
Mississippi State University: Bulldawgs
University of Alberta: UAlberta
University of Arkansas: Razorbacks
University of California at Berkeley: Berkeley Radicals
University of California, San Diego: UCSD Scissors
University of Illinois: Overflow
University of Kentucky: UKentucky
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities: ActiveSynergisticLeverage .NET
University of New Brunswick: UNB Fredericton
University of Oregon: Buffleheads
University of Texas at Austin: Alpha
University of Toronto: Me Toronto
University of Virginia: Hoos
University of Waterloo: Waterloo
University of Wisconsin - Madison: MAD IS ON
Virginia Tech: Virginia Tech
West Virginia University: Mountaineers
South Pacific
University of Auckland: Void
University of New South Wales: UNSW-ADA
작년 문제입니다~
작년 2002 문제라네요..
오늘 시작이군요~~ ^^
대회가 끝났습니다
아직 결과가 100% 업데이트는 안된상태인것 같군요
바르샤바 대학이 10 문제 중에 9 문제를 풀어 우승을 차지했습니다.
동유럽 대학들이 1위에서 4위를 휩쓸었네요.
최종 결과: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/finals/2003medals-web.asp
출제 문제: http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/finals/Problems.html
KAIST는 공동 13위, 연세대는 공동 21위를 차지했습니다.
아시아 1위는 중국 칭화대(전체 5위)고요.
테스트 케이스도 구할 수 없을까요?한번 해보고 싶은데, 맞는지 알
테스트 케이스도 구할 수 없을까요?
한번 해보고 싶은데, 맞는지 알수가 없으니..-_-;;