페도라(FEDORA)11(32비트용_제PC가 32비트용이라서)을 설치후,
네이버에 들어가면, 윈도우에서는 자동으로 설치해주던 플래시플레이어가,
자동이 아니라, 수동으로 설치해야하더군요,
그런데 아무리해도 안됐습니다. 그래서, 보기싫은 영문을 들여다볼수밖에 없더군요,
한참 해석을 해대니, 방법이 보였습니다.
그리고, 또하나, 로그인화면이 그래픽으로 나오는데,
일반사용자는 그대로 들어가지는데, ROOT(대장사용자)로는 못들어가게
처음셋팅이 돼있었습니다.
그래서 이 2문제를 해결하고 필요한분이 있을지도 몰라서 올립니다.
1. 플래시설치,
네이버화면에서 플래시를 자동으로 설치가 안되면서, 수동으로 할꺼냐고, 물어보는것에,
그렇다고답하면, 어도비홈피에 들어가지는데, 거기서 linux용중에서, yum용으로 선택헤서,
받으면, 화일명이 adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm 인데,
그것이 보통 바탕화면의 다운로드 라는 폴더에 받아지는데,
그렇게 받아진상태에서,
터미널을 켠후에, 터미널에서, /home/사용자명/바탕화면/다운로드 폴더로 들어가서,
su -c 'rpm -vhi adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm' 엔터침,
su(사용자교체명령)을 쓰면, 보통 ROOT사용자의 권리를 사용하려하는것이므로,
ROOT의 암호를 적어줘야합니다.
위와같이 하면 명령이 실행되면서, 화면이 흐를것임니니다.
다 끝난후에,
/etc/yum.repos.d/adobe-linux-i386.repo 이 화일을 열어보면,
cat이든지, 아니면, vim 명령으로,,,해서.,..한다.
그안의 내용을 보면,
name=Adobe Systems Incorporated
이런내용이 들어있으면, 이젠 사용할수있게 된것인데,
하나더 남은게 AdobeFlash를 디폴트로 사용하겠다고 하는것이다.
그러기위해서, 다음의 명령으로 AdobeFlashPlayer를 디폴트로 사용하게된다.
su -c 'yum install flash-plugin alsa-plugins-pulseaudio \
이렇게 타이핑하고 엔터를 치면 실행화면이 진행되면서, ok라는 말로 끝난다.
그런데, 나는 32비트CPU를 사용중이므로, 32비트용만 설명하는것이다.
이렇게하고나서, 네이버를 켜면, 이젠 플래시가 어떻다는 말은 안나오고,
플래시가 잘켜지는것을 볼수있다.
2. ROOT사용자로 그래픽로그인하기,
처음설치디폴트상태에서는 ROOT가 그래픽화면상태로 로그인을 못하게 막아놨는데,
일반사용자로 로그인후에, 터미널을 켜고, 터미널안에서, su명령으로,
루트로 사용자를 전환한후에, /etc/pam.d/gdm-password문서를,
vim으로 들어가서, 여러라인중에서,
auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet
위의 문장이 실행않되게, 밑에와같이, #을 붙여주면,
#auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet
다음부터는 그래픽화면으로도 ROOT로도 로그인이 가능해진다.
리눅스를 사용하다보면, 사용자권리문제등, 까다로운 문제가 많은데,
그것들을 일일이 명령줄로 쓰다보면 좀 그러므로, 그래픽화면과 마우스를 사용하곤합니다
This section contains information relevant specifically to installation of Flash on Fedora 10 and Fedora 11 Preview or later.
Enabling Flash Plugin
Adobe offers several methods to install their 32-bit Flash 10 plugin. In general, the YUM version is preferred, since it allows the plugin to be updated automatically through Fedora's normal update mechanism. The YUM version simply installs the repository configuration files, after which you must install the Flash plugin separately.
To begin, refer to the Adobe site at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. Select YUM for Linux to download, and confirm (or the .tar.gz version for the 64 bit alpha; see bottom).
This will download the adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm file. Installation of the repository file adobe-linux-i386.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d/ can be performed by installing the .rpm file. Issue the following command within the directory where you have downloaded the repository rpm file.
su -c 'rpm -vhi adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm'
The .rpm file also copies the adobe General Public Key (GPG key) to /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux but does not import it. To import the key, type:
su -c 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux'
The system is now ready to fetch rpm packages from adobe using yum. To verify this, take a look at the /etc/yum.repos.d/adobe-linux-i386.repo file that was just created. You should see something similar to the following:
name=Adobe Systems Incorporated
Notice that the file contains the URL where the packages are located, whether or not the repository should be enabled, whether rpm should check downloaded packages from adobe against the GPG key, and the location of the key itself.
Now proceed to either the instructions for 32-bit (i386) platforms or 64-bit (x86_64) platforms.
For i386
After completing the adobe repository configuration, run the following command to install the Flash plugin and ensure sound is enabled:
su -c 'yum install flash-plugin alsa-plugins-pulseaudio \
You may see messages indicating that alsa-plugins-pulseaudio and libcurl are already installed. This is not a problem. Note also that nspluginwrapper is already installed by default and will wrap the Flash plugin.
Next, you should check the plugin.
For x86_64
32 bit wrapped version
These instructions will install a 32-bit plugin that will work with the 64-bit browser by being "wrapped" with nspluginwrapper.
After installing the repository configuration, run the following command to install the Flash plugin and ensure sound is enabled.
For Fedora 10:
su -c 'yum install flash-plugin nspluginwrapper.x86_64 \
nspluginwrapper.i386 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i386 \
For Fedora 11:
su -c 'yum install flash-plugin nspluginwrapper.x86_64 \
nspluginwrapper.i586 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i586 \
You may see a message indicating that nspluginwrapper.x86_64 is already installed. This is not a problem.
64-bit alpha
Adobe also has a pre-release version of a 64-bit plugin. Until this is supported via yum, you will need to do the following:
1. Download the .tar.gz version from Adobe here.
2. Use "gtar -xzvf" to extract libflashplayer.so and put it in either in /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ or ~/.mozilla/plugins/.
3. Restart Firefox.
Checking the plugin
After the installation, exit all copies of Firefox and start it again to enable the plugin. Then type the following text in the Firefox address bar:
A section similar to the following should appear:
This information tells you that the Adobe Flash plugin has been successfully installed.
SELinux problems
In some cases, nspluginwrapper produces SELinux AVC errors, some of which may prevent viewing Flash content. Changing the relevant SELinux boolean may resolve this problem, but eliminates a great deal of additional security when using nspluginwrapper. To make the change, run the following command:
su -c 'setsebool -P allow_unconfined_nsplugin_transition=0'
libflashsupport deprecated
The libflashsupport package is no longer needed with Flash 10 and has been removed from Fedora 10. The Flash plugin now calls the appropriate ALSA functions directly, and in the default configuration ALSA delivers sound to PulseAudio.
루트로그인 원문
By default, from Fedora 10 onwards, the root user is not allowed to login via the GNOME Display Manager (GDM) by default. Logging in as root in the graphical environment is typically not necessary, and not recommended at all for security reasons. Furthermore, it is easy to accidentally trash your system when using your system with full elevated privileges and administrator access. Graphical administration tools that require special privileges usually issue a prompt for the appropriate password.
You should use the su - ("switch user") command to run specific processes as root if necessary, or configure sudo instead. However, if you must login as root in GDM despite the increased security risks of doing so, follow the steps outlined below.
1. Login in as a regular user and open the terminal (command line) and edit the configuration text file
su -c 'gedit /etc/pam.d/gdm'
2. Locate the line that that read as follows:
auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet
3. Remove or comment out line by prefixing #.
# auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet
4. Save and close the editor.
On Fedora 11, you also need to edit /etc/pam.d/gdm-password, following the above steps.
How does this work?
Fedora uses a Password Authentication Module (PAM) called pam_succeed_if.so. This module is designed to issue an authentication success or failure based on characteristics of the account belonging to the authenticating user. One use is to select whether to load other modules based on this test. This module blocks root login for GDM, and can be toggled on or off as necessary.
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