코드리뷰툴 CodeReviewer 를 일주일간 싸게 판매한다고 합니다.

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코드리뷰툴 CodeReviewer 를 일주일간 싸게 판매한다고 합니다.
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$5 for 5 Licenses of CodeReviewer 5.0 - 5 Days Only!
July 13-17, 2009

To celebrate the version 5.0 release of CodeCollaborator and its lightweight cousin, CodeReviewer, we're sharing the goodness and making 5 seats of Code Reviewer 5.0 available to you for only $5!

Smart Bear is delighted to offer our own economic stimulus package. It's hard for many companies to find budget for software right now, and we want to help energize businesses in our own special way.

Not only do you get awesome, time-saving software for $5, we'll donate your $5 to a worthy software start-up to help them weather the storm too!

A lightweight version of our flagship CodeCollaborator software, CodeReviewer is a web-based tool that simplifies and expedites peer code reviews. It's ideal for small teams who just need a quick and easy way to collaboratively review each other's code. And at $1 per developer, now it's even more ideal!

Join us for a Code Reviewer webinar on July 15th at 11 a.m. CDT and we'll teach you how to use it.

Normally we sell CodeReviewer for $289 per user, but now a team of 5 people can have their own fully-supported licensed version that never expires. You'll get the same outstanding support we give all of our customers.

Don't wait - after July 17th, 2009, you've missed your chance.

Contact us at sales@smartbear.com or +1 978.236.7860 to learn more.

We hope you enjoy speeding through code reviews using this powerful tool, as well as the good feeling of knowing you helped a cool start-up company too!