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AWS Quietly Scales Back Some DevOps Services

목, 2024/08/01 - 2:20오전
AWS has quietly halted new customer onboarding for several of its services, including the once-touted CodeCommit source code repository and Cloud9 cloud IDE, signaling a potential retreat from its comprehensive DevOps offering. The stealth deprecation, discovered by users encountering unexpected errors, has sent ripples through the AWS community, with many expressing frustration over the lack of formal announcements and the continued presence of outdated documentation. AWS VP Jeff Barr belatedly confirmed the decision on social media, listing affected services such as S3 Select, CloudSearch, SimpleDB, Forecast, and Data Pipeline.

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Air New Zealand Is First Major Airline To Scrap 2030 Emissions Target

목, 2024/08/01 - 1:40오전
Air New Zealand has become the first major airline to drop its 2030 goal to cut carbon emissions. From a report: The company has blamed difficulties in procuring new planes and sustainable jet fuel. The airline's CEO, Greg Foran said: "In recent months, and more so in the last few weeks, it has also become apparent that potential delays to our fleet renewal plan pose an additional risk to the target's achievability. It is possible the airline may need to retain its existing fleet for longer than planned due to global manufacturing and supply chain issues that could potentially slow the introduction of newer, more fuel-efficient aircraft into the fleet." The industry as a whole has a goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. But in 2022, Air New Zealand set itself the target of cutting its emissions by almost 29% by 2030.

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Microsoft is Removing Ads From Skype

목, 2024/08/01 - 1:40오전
Microsoft is making Skype ad-free in an update that will rollout to users across all platforms soon. From a report: The update also includes improved AI image creation tools on Skype for Windows and macOS, and the ability to sign in automatically on iOS if you're already signed into another Microsoft app. "Our latest update removes all ads from Skype channels and the entire Skype platform, ensuring a smoother, decluttered and more enjoyable user experience," says Skype product manager Irene Namuganyi. The removal of ads in Skype means you'll no longer see ads in the main chat interface, or in the channels section. Microsoft says it has listened to feedback around ads in Skype, and decided to "focus on your chats without any ad distractions, making your Skype experience cleaner and more user-friendly."

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Intel To Cut Thousands of Jobs To Reduce Costs

목, 2024/08/01 - 1:00오전
Intel plans to eliminate thousands of jobs to reduce costs and fund an ambitious effort to rebound from an earnings slump and market share losses. Bloomberg: The workforce reduction may be announced as early as this week, according to people familiar with the company's plans, who asked not to be identified because the information isn't public. Intel, which is scheduled to report second-quarter earnings Thursday, has about 110,000 employees, excluding workers at units that are being spun out. Chief Executive Officer Pat Gelsinger is spending heavily on research and development aimed at improving Intel's technology and helping it return to prominence in the semiconductor industry. The company's once-dominant position eroded under Gelsinger's predecessors as rivals, such as Advanced Micro Devices, have caught up and taken market share.

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Why We Might Never Know the Truth About Ultra-Processed Foods

목, 2024/08/01 - 12:21오전
An anonymous reader shares a report: A recent meeting of the American Society for Nutrition in Chicago was presented with an observational study of more than 500,000 people in the US. It found that those who ate the most UPFs (ultra-processed foods ) had a roughly 10% greater chance of dying early, even accounting for their body-mass index and overall quality of diet. In recent years, lots of other observational studies have shown a similar link - but that's not the same as proving that how food is processed causes health problems, or pinning down which aspect of those processes might be to blame. So how could we get to the truth about ultra-processed food? The kind of study needed to prove definitively that UPFs cause health problems would be extremely complex, suggests Dr Nerys Astbury, a senior researcher in diet and obesity at Oxford University. It would need to compare a large number of people on two diets -- one high in UPFs and one low in UPFs, but matched exactly for calorie and macronutrient content. This would be fiendishly difficult to actually do. Participants would need to be kept under lock and key so their food intake could be tightly managed. The study would also need to enrol people with similar diets as a starting point. It would be extremely challenging logistically. And to counter the possibility that people who eat fewer UPFs might just have healthier lifestyles such as through taking more exercise or getting more sleep, the participants of the groups would need to have very similar habits. "It would be expensive research, but you could see changes from the diets relatively quickly," Dr Astbury says. Funding for this type of research could also be hard to come by. There might be accusations of conflicts of interest, since researchers motivated to run these kind of trials may have an idea of what they want the conclusions to be before they started.

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Delta CEO Says CrowdStrike-Microsoft Outage Cost the Airline $500 Million

수, 2024/07/31 - 11:40오후
Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian said the massive IT outage earlier this month that stranded thousands of customers will cost it $500 million. From a report: Bastian said the figure is representative of not just the lost revenue, but "the tens of millions of dollars per day in compensation and hotels" over a period of five days. The airline canceled more than 4,000 flights in the wake of the outage, which was caused by a botched CrowdStrike software update and took thousands of Microsoft systems around the world offline. The company had to manually reset 40,000 servers, Bastian said. Further reading: Delta Seeks Damages From CrowdStrike, Microsoft After Outage.

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The Future of Science Publishing

수, 2024/07/31 - 11:00오후
A decade ago, the Gates Foundation announced it will cease covering open-access publishing costs for its grantees from 2025. This shift, following a decade of support for free access to research, sparked concerns in the scientific community. Experts fear the move could undermine the open-access model, which aims to make taxpayer-funded studies freely available. The decision also marked a significant change in the foundation's approach to disseminating research findings, potentially impacting global access to critical scientific information. So where do we go from here? From a report: [The Gates Foundation] notes that open access in its current form has resulted in "some unsavory publishing practices," including unchecked pricing from journals and publishers, questionable peer review, and paper mills -- people or organizations that produce fake or subpar papers and sell authorship slots on them. "Last year was a really pivotal year in scholarly publishing since lots of people who were really pushing gold open access for many years are now thinking, 'Oh, what beast have we created?'" says James Butcher, an independent publishing consultant in Liverpool, England, who writes the newsletter Journalology. "It plays into the hands of the big corporates because it's all about scale." Gold OA creates incentives for journals to publish as many papers as possible to make more money. Some publishers, often referred to as gray OA publishers, have been criticized for exploiting the gold OA model to churn out high volumes of low-quality studies. Butcher says that because subscription- based publishers traditionally couldn't increase revenues by publishing more papers, they tended to keep volumes fairly level. In contrast, Johan Rooryck, a French linguistics researcher at Leiden University and a proponent of open access, points to a "very rapid rise" in gold OA journals and papers in the past decade. The Gates Foundation is now suggesting that authors post online preprints of their author-accepted manuscripts -- near-final versions of studies accepted by journals for publication before they are typeset or copyedited -- and then publish in whichever journals they like.

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Brazil's Radical Plan To Tax Global Super-Rich To Tackle Climate Crisis

수, 2024/07/31 - 10:00오후
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Proposals to slap a wealth tax on the world's super-rich could yield $250 billion a year to tackle the climate crisis and address poverty and inequality, but would affect only a small number of billionaire families, Brazil's climate chief has said. Ministers from the G20 group of the world's biggest developed and emerging economies are meeting in Rio de Janeiro this weekend, where Brazil's proposal for a 2% wealth tax on those with assets worth more than $1 billion is near the top of the agenda. No government was speaking out against the tax, said Ana Toni, who is national secretary for climate change in the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. "Our feeling is that, morally, nobody's against," she told the Observer in an interview. "But the level of support from some countries is bigger than others." However, the lack of overt opposition does not mean the tax proposal is likely to be approved. Many governments are privately skeptical but unwilling to publicly criticize a plan that would shave a tiny amount from the rapidly accumulating wealth of the planet's richest few, and raise money to address the pressing global climate emergency. Janet Yellen, the US Treasury secretary, told journalists in Rio that the US "did not see the need" for a global initiative. "People are not keen on global taxes," Toni admitted. "And there is a question over how you implement global taxes." But she said levying and raising a tax globally was possible, as had been shown by G7 finance ministers' agreement to levy a minimum 15% corporate tax. "It should be at a global level, because otherwise, obviously, rich people will move from one country to another," she said. Only about 100 families around the world would be affected by the proposed 2% levy, she added. The world's richest 1% have added $42 trillion to their wealth in the past decade, roughly 36 times more than the bottom half of the world's population did. The question of how funds raised by such taxation should be spent had also not been settled, noted Toni. Some economists have argued that the idea was more likely to be accepted if the proceeds were devoted to solving the climate crisis than if they were used to address global inequality. Other experts say at least some of the money should be used for poverty alleviation.

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$5,000 Exoskeleton Pants Promise to Make You a Better Hiker

수, 2024/07/31 - 7:00오후
"The linked article is pretty much a press release, but it's still interesting to see the promise of exoskeletons starting to infiltrate the mass market," writes longtime Slashdot reader Baron_Yam. "These rigs cost $5,000, weigh only a few pounds, and go for multiple hours on a charge." Gizmodo reports: With the MO/GO exoskeleton hiking pants, a traipse through the mountains is becoming more mechanical, not to mention expensive. The MO/GO (short for "Mountain Goat") is a joint effort with established outdoor apparel makers Arc'Teryx and the tech startup Skip. Remember Samsung's exoskeleton pants concepts? These are kind of like that, though Skp and Arc'Teryx's first commercial product covers up all those glaring metal bits with an already-pricey pair of designer hiking pants. The MO/GO is supposed to push you 40% harder, according to the company. What does that mean in context? Fast Company rolled around in them for a hike and found the exoskeleton took a lot of weight off the knee, cushioned footfalls, and kicked the leg forward when tackling an incline. [...] Two braces go into each leg, while the 3-hour power pack sits at the belt line just above your posterior. The MO/GO is a pair of Arc'teryx Gamma pants with cuffs to snap Skip's carbon fiber exoskeletal thighs onto the outside of each leg, which should impact your quadriceps and hamstring muscles. The companies claim each ligament weighs 2 pounds, with the pants in total clocking in at 7 pounds, but instead of adding weight the arms absorb the impact of each step, enough to make users feel "30 pounds lighter." [...] On Skip's site, you can see an internal look at how the motors spin every time the user raises their knee. The pants are supposed to have an on-board algorithm to handle stairs or a steep incline differently. You don't control it with an app either. There are three buttons on the pants: an on/off switch, as well as "less assistance" and "more assistance" toggles.

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A Blood Test Accurately Diagnosed Alzheimer's 90% of the Time, Study Finds

수, 2024/07/31 - 4:00오후
Scientists have developed a blood test that accurately identifies Alzheimer's disease in patients with memory issues 90% of the time (source may be paywalled; alternative source), significantly outperforming standard diagnostic methods. The findings have been published in the journal JAMA. The New York Times reports: The new study used a blood test that focuses on a form of a protein called tau that sprouts into tangles in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. Measuring that form, called ptau-217, was found to give the most accurate assessment of Alzheimer's pathology in a comparison of various Alzheimer's blood tests that will also be presented at the Alzheimer's Association conference. Tau is more closely linked to cognitive decline than amyloid, and tau tangles form later than amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's patients. The test in the study also tracks amyloid. Tests like this are available in the United States for use by doctors, not consumers. The study included about 1,200 patients with mild memory problems. About 500 of them visited primary care physicians; the rest sought specialist care at memory clinics. Dr. Sebastian Palmqvist, an associate professor of neurology at Lund University who led the study with [Dr. Oskar Hansson, a professor of clinical memory research at Lund University in Sweden and the senior author of the study], said that first, about 300 patients in each group were given the blood test, and results were compared with spinal taps or PET scans. Then the researchers wanted to see how the blood test compared with the judgment of doctors after they administered cognitive tests and CT scans. "We started asking both the primary care physicians and our own dementia specialists: After the standard evaluation, do you think your patient has Alzheimer's disease?" Dr. Palmqvist said. In evaluations of about 200 patients, primary care doctors who thought patients had Alzheimer's were wrong 36 percent of the time. And when they thought patients did not have Alzheimer's, they were wrong 41 percent of the time. Memory specialists who evaluated about 400 patients did somewhat better -- they were wrong 25 percent of the time when they thought patients had Alzheimer's and wrong 29 percent of the time when they thought patients didn't. The blood test was wrong only about 10 percent of the time. The blood test's accuracy was highest with patients who had already progressed to dementia and was slightly lower with patients in a pre-dementia stage called mild cognitive impairment, Dr. Palmqvist said. It was not very accurate with the earliest stage, called subjective cognitive decline, when patients begin to perceive their memory to be failing. Dr. Hansson said that lower accuracy probably occurred because many people with subjective cognitive decline do not turn out to have Alzheimer's.

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A New White House Report Embraces Open-Source AI

수, 2024/07/31 - 12:30오후
An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: According to a new statement, the White House realizes open source is key to artificial intelligence (AI) development -- much like many businesses using the technology. On Tuesday, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issued a report supporting open-source and open models to promote innovation in AI while emphasizing the need for vigilant risk monitoring. The report recommends that the US continue to support AI openness while working on new capabilities to monitor potential AI risks but refrain from restricting the availability of open model weights.

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Meta To Pay Record $1.4 Billion To Settle Texas Facial Recognition Suit

수, 2024/07/31 - 10:25오전
Meta will pay Texas $1.4 billion to settle a lawsuit alleging the company used personal biometric data without user consent, marking the largest privacy-related settlement ever obtained by a state. The Texas Tribune reports: The 2022 lawsuit, filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in state court, alleged that Meta had been using facial recognition software on photos uploaded to Facebook without Texans' consent. The settlement will be paid over five years. The attorney general's office did not say whether the money from the settlement would go into the state's general fund or if it would be distributed in some other way. The settlement, announced Tuesday, does not act as an admission of guilt and Meta maintains no wrongdoing. This was the first lawsuit Paxton's office argued under a 2009 state law that protects Texans' biometric data, like fingerprints and facial scans. The law requires businesses to inform and get consent from individuals before collecting such data. It also limits sharing this data, except in certain cases like helping law enforcement or completing financial transactions. Businesses must protect this data and destroy it within a year after it's no longer needed. In 2011, Meta introduced a feature known as Tag Suggestions to make it easier for users to tag people in their photos. According to Paxton's office, the feature was turned on by default and ran facial recognition on users' photos, automatically capturing data protected by the 2009 law. That system was discontinued in 2021, with Meta saying it deleted over 1 billion people's individual facial recognition data. As part of the settlement, Meta must notify the attorney general's office of anticipated or ongoing activities that may fall under the state's biometric data laws. If Texas objects, the parties have 60 days to attempt to resolve the issue. Meta officials said the settlement will make it easier for the company to discuss the implications and requirements of the state's biometric data laws with the attorney general's office, adding that data protection and privacy are core priorities for the firm.

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Dark Angels Ransomware Receives Record-Breaking $75 Million Ransom

수, 2024/07/31 - 9:45오전
"A Fortune 50 company paid a record-breaking $75 million ransom payment to the Dark Angels ransomware gang," writes BleepingComputer's Lawrence Abrams, citing a report (PDF) by Zscaler ThreatLabz. From the report: The largest known ransom payment was previously $40 million, which insurance giant CNA paid after suffering an Evil Corp ransomware attack. While Zscaler did not share what company paid the $75 million ransom, they mentioned the company was in the Fortune 50 and the attack occurred in early 2024. One Fortune 50 company that suffered a cyberattack in February 2024 is pharmaceutical giant Cencora, ranked #10 on the list. No ransomware gang ever claimed responsibility for the attack, potentially indicating that a ransom was paid. Zscaler ThreatLabz says that Dark Angels utilizes the "Big Game Hunting" strategy, which is to target only a few high-value companies in the hopes of massive payouts rather than many companies at once for numerous but smaller ransom payments. "The Dark Angels group employs a highly targeted approach, typically attacking a single large company at a time," explains the Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers. "This is in stark contrast to most ransomware groups, which target victims indiscriminately and outsource most of the attack to affiliate networks of initial access brokers and penetration testing teams." According to Chainalysis, the Big Game Hunting tactic has become a dominant trend utilized by numerous ransomware gangs over the past few years.

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Passkey Adoption Has Increased By 400 Percent In 2024

수, 2024/07/31 - 9:02오전
According to new report, password manager Dashlane has seen a 400 percent increase in passkey authentications since the beginning of the year, "with 1 in 5 active Dashlane users now having at least one passkey in their Dashlane vault," reports The Verge. From the report: Over 100 sites now offer passkey support, though Dashlane says the top 20 most popular apps account for 52 percent of passkey authentications. When split into industry sectors, e-commerce (which includes eBay, Amazon, and Target) made up the largest share of passkey authentications at 42 percent. So-called "sticky apps" -- meaning those used on a frequent basis, such as social media, e-commerce, and finance or payment sites -- saw the fastest passkey adoption between April and June of this year. Other domains show surprising growth, though -- while Roblox is the only gaming category entry within the top 20 apps, its passkey adoption is outperforming giant platforms like Facebook, X, and Adobe, for example. Dashlane's report also found that passkey usage increased successful sign-ins by 70 percent compared to traditional passwords.

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Perplexity AI Will Share Revenue With Publishers After Plagiarism Accusations

수, 2024/07/31 - 8:20오전
An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Perplexity AI on Tuesday debuted a revenue-sharing model for publishers after more than a month of plagiarism accusations. Media outlets and content platforms including Fortune, Time, Entrepreneur, The Texas Tribune, Der Spiegel and are the first to join the company's "Publishers Program." The announcement follows an onslaught of controversy in June, when Forbes said it found a plagiarized version of its paywalled original reporting within Perplexity AI's Pages tool, with no reference to the media outlet besides a small "F" logo at the bottom of the page. Weeks later, Wired said it also found evidence of Perplexity plagiarizing Wired stories, and reported that an IP address "almost certainly linked to Perplexity and not listed in its public IP range" visited its parent company's websites more than 800 times in a three-month span. Under the new partner program, any time a user asks a question and Perplexity generates advertising revenue from citing one of the publisher's articles in its answer, Perplexity will share a flat percentage of that revenue. That percentage counts on a per-article basis, Dmitry Shevelenko, Perplexity's chief business officer, told CNBC in an interview -- meaning that if three articles from one publisher were used in one answer, the partner would receive "triple the revenue share." Shevelenko confirmed that the flat rate is a double-digit percentage but declined to provide specifics. Shevelenko told CNBC that more than a dozen publishers, including "major newspaper dailies and companies that own them," had reached out with interest less than two hours after the program debuted. The company's goal, he said, is to have 30 publishers enrolled by the end of the year, and Perplexity is looking to partner with some of the publishers' ad sales teams so they can sell ads "against all Perplexity inventory." "When Perplexity earns revenue from an interaction where a publisher's content is referenced, that publisher will also earn a share," Perplexity wrote in a blog post, adding that the company will offer publishers API credits and also work with to provide analytics to provide "deeper insights into how Perplexity cites their content." Shevelenko told CNBC that Perplexity began engaging with publishers in January and solidified ideas for how its revenue-sharing program would work later in the first quarter of 2024. He said five Perplexity employees were dedicated to working on the program. "Some of it grew out of conversations we were having with publishers about integrating Perplexity APIs and technology into their products," Shevelenko said.

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California DMV Puts 42 Million Car Titles On Blockchain To Fight Fraud

수, 2024/07/31 - 7:40오전
California's DMV has digitized 42 million car titles using blockchain technology to detect fraud and streamline the title transfer process, enabling residents to claim vehicle titles through a mobile app -- the first such initiative in the U.S. The project is a collaboration with tech company Oxhead Alpha on Ava Labs' Avalanche blockchain. Reuters reports: Digitizing car titles will reduce the need for in-person DMV visits and the blockchain technology will also function as a deterrent against lien fraud. Blockchain technology can help detect lien fraud by creating a transparent and unalterable record of property ownership, making it difficult for fraudulent activity to go unnoticed. California residents will be able to access their digital car titles starting early next year as the DMV builds out the app and infrastructure for consumer access.

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Meta's AI Safety System Defeated By the Space Bar

수, 2024/07/31 - 7:00오전
Thomas Claburn reports via The Register: Meta's machine-learning model for detecting prompt injection attacks -- special prompts to make neural networks behave inappropriately -- is itself vulnerable to, you guessed it, prompt injection attacks. Prompt-Guard-86M, introduced by Meta last week in conjunction with its Llama 3.1 generative model, is intended "to help developers detect and respond to prompt injection and jailbreak inputs," the social network giant said. Large language models (LLMs) are trained with massive amounts of text and other data, and may parrot it on demand, which isn't ideal if the material is dangerous, dubious, or includes personal info. So makers of AI models build filtering mechanisms called "guardrails" to catch queries and responses that may cause harm, such as those revealing sensitive training data on demand, for example. Those using AI models have made it a sport to circumvent guardrails using prompt injection -- inputs designed to make an LLM ignore its internal system prompts that guide its output -- or jailbreaks -- input designed to make a model ignore safeguards. [...] It turns out Meta's Prompt-Guard-86M classifier model can be asked to "Ignore previous instructions" if you just add spaces between the letters and omit punctuation. Aman Priyanshu, a bug hunter with enterprise AI application security shop Robust Intelligence, recently found the safety bypass when analyzing the embedding weight differences between Meta's Prompt-Guard-86M model and Redmond's base model, microsoft/mdeberta-v3-base. "The bypass involves inserting character-wise spaces between all English alphabet characters in a given prompt," explained Priyanshu in a GitHub Issues post submitted to the Prompt-Guard repo on Thursday. "This simple transformation effectively renders the classifier unable to detect potentially harmful content." "Whatever nasty question you'd like to ask right, all you have to do is remove punctuation and add spaces between every letter," Hyrum Anderson, CTO at Robust Intelligence, told The Register. "It's very simple and it works. And not just a little bit. It went from something like less than 3 percent to nearly a 100 percent attack success rate."

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Senate Passes the Kids Online Safety Act

수, 2024/07/31 - 6:20오전
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: The Senate passed the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children and Teens' Online Privacy Protection Act (also known as COPPA 2.0), the first major internet bills meant to protect children to reach that milestone in two decades. A legislative vehicle that included both KOSA and COPPA 2.0 passed 91-3. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called it "a momentous day" in a speech ahead of the vote, saying that "the Senate keeps its promise to every parent who's lost a child because of the risks of social media." He called for the House to pass the bills "as soon as they can." KOSA is a landmark piece of legislation that a persistent group of parent advocates played a key role in pushing forward -- meeting with lawmakers, showing up at hearings with tech CEOs, and bringing along photos of their children, who, in many cases, died by suicide after experiencing cyberbullying or other harms from social media. These parents say that a bill like KOSA could have saved their own children from suffering and hope it will do the same for other children. The bill works by creating a duty of care for online platforms that are used by minors, requiring they take "reasonable" measures in how they design their products to mitigate a list of harms, including online bullying, sexual exploitation, drug promotion, and eating disorders. It specifies that the bill doesn't prevent platforms from letting minors search for any specific content or providing resources to mitigate any of the listed harms, "including evidence-informed information and clinical resources." The legislation faces significant opposition from digital rights, free speech, and LGBTQ+ advocates who fear it could lead to censorship and privacy issues. Critics argue that the duty of care may result in aggressive content filtering and mandatory age verification, potentially blocking important educational and lifesaving content. The bill may also face legal challenges from tech platforms citing First Amendment violations.

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Wind and Solar Energy Overtake Fossil Fuels To Provide 30% of EU Electricity

수, 2024/07/31 - 5:41오전
AmiMoJo writes: Wind turbines and solar panels have overtaken fossil fuels to generate 30% of the European Union's electricity in the first half of the year, a report has found. Power generation from burning coal, oil and gas fell 17% in the first six months of 2024 compared with the same period the year before, according to climate thinktank Ember. It found the continued shift away from polluting fuels has led to a one-third drop in the sector's emissions since the first half of 2022. Chris Rosslowe, an analyst at Ember, said the rise of wind and solar was narrowing the role of fossil fuels. "We are witnessing a historic shift in the power sector, and it is happening rapidly." The report found EU power plants burned 24% less coal and 14% less gas from the first half of 2023 to the first half of 2024. The shift comes despite a small uptick in electricity demand that has followed two years of decline linked to the pandemic and Ukraine war.

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Global Computer Outage Impact Vastly Underestimated, Microsoft Admits

수, 2024/07/31 - 5:02오전
Microsoft has revealed that the global computer outage caused by a faulty CrowdStrike software update, which impacted numerous major corporations, affected far more devices than initially reported, with the tech giant stating that the previously announced figure of 8.5 million affected Windows machines represents only a "subset" of the total impact. Microsoft has refrained from providing a revised estimate of the full scope of the disruption. The revelation comes as the technology sector continues to grapple with the fallout from the incident, which occurred 10 days ago and led to widespread disruptions across various industries, prompting Microsoft to face criticism despite the root cause being traced back to a third-party cybersecurity provider's error. Microsoft clarified that the initial 8.5 million figure was derived solely from devices with enabled crash reporting features, suggesting that the true extent of the outage could be substantially higher, given that many systems do not have this optional feature activated. Further reading: Delta Seeks Damages From CrowdStrike, Microsoft After Outage.

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