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Attracting Sponsors - 행사/컨퍼런스 스폰서 찾기

GUADEC에서 만난 몽골에서 오신 덕만닥님께서 GNOME-Marketing 메일링리스트에 컨퍼런스나 커뮤니티 이벤트/행사 스폰서를 찾는 방법을 물어보셨습니다. Gnome Foundation의 Director인 Dave Neary님이 답변하신 글입니다. 너무 좋은 글이여서 이렇게 원본으로 올립니다. 저도 지난 주에 RubyConf*MI를 준비하면서 고민했던 문제여서 재미있게 읽었습니다. 관심있으신 분들은 다같이 조금씩 번역해서 댓글을 남겨주시면 고맙겠습니다.

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GUADEC 2006 Experience/Summary

GUADEC 2006 Summary

  • GUADEC 2006 - Gnome Users and Developers European Conference
  • Location: Vilanova i la Geltr? (Catalonia - Spain)
  • Dates: June 24 - June 26, 2006

It's a little over 2 months since I've been to GUADEC 2006 so my memory is spotty. I apologize for the brief account, but I hope you guys enjoy it.

On June 24th-30th, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend GUADEC 2006 at Vilanova i la Geltr? (Catalonia - Spain). GUADEC stands for "GNOME Users and Developers European Conference." The annual conference is known as "THE GNOME Conference" as it brings together GNOME developers from all over the world. Over 400 people attended the conference during the week long meeting.

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