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X fj  3 P. ]_ 4* I\ ZtN [2\ P  L>T c> jz P > Si : }( Y L) <d <   Ҵ # J# e 堎 ~ W   W S>P>wC:L~ZJll/l_Pb6'N 9 ! =q.  @6 d XUMcJF~H6z+*kL(Vn [<agcTiTnz3_ i^8#InfoFile00 PrefGeneral00 PrefSubtitles ݼ 8IDInfoFileKBKBPrefPerformanceUxOKFilePropertiesDialogUxOKPreferencesDialogDƔNo TristateCombo \(&U)&UpBaseGui+%1+%1BaseGui-%1-%1BaseGuipHueVideoEqualizerURLURLInfoFileTop PrefSubtitlesYes TristateCombo%1 Ǭ  Playing %1BaseGui0 D Channels by default PrefGeneral&OSD&OSDBaseGuiǐAuto PrefAdvancedǐAuto TristateComboDateInfoFile |FileInfoFile4Font PrefSubtitlesHelpPreferencesDialog 0] |Logs LogWindow 0] |Logs PrefAdvancedtName ActionsEditortNameInfoFiletNamePlaylistLpMute PrefInputLNone PrefInputǬPlay PrefInputtҸRateInfoFileD$ &CDV&CDBaseGuiǥSave LogWindowBasel0SizeInfoFilel0Size PrefSubtitles(StopBaseGuiStop PrefInputTypeInfoFileLhighPrefPerformanceDtXiconEqSliderDtXicon PrefAdvancedDtXicon PrefDrivesDtXicon PrefInputDtXicon SeekWidget ư LidlePrefPerformanceLP (&B):&Border color: PrefSubtitlesRt 5XD Xt ƴ tX  ҸŴ | ƩiȲ.SCheck this option to use the software mixer, instead of using the sound card mixer. PrefGeneral6\ ƩX ŸŴ| `  LjµȲ.4Here you can change the language of the application. PrefInterface : %1 Version: %1 AboutDialogT Lj ǐAll subs in directory PrefSubtitles͕Ф ӸѮ0Shortcut editor PrefInput0 D (&H):C&hannels by default: PrefGeneral t  Clip infoInfoFile %1 Hz%1 HzInfoFileD\(&D)&DownBaseGui Ӹ(&E)&EditPlaylist 4(&F)&Font PrefSubtitles(&H)&HelpBaseGui(00(&H)&Hide BaseGuiPlus$0(&L)&Load ActionsEditor$0(&L)&LoadPlaylistLp(&M)&MuteBaseGui L(&N)&NextBaseGui L(&N)&NextPlaylist L(&N)&NoneBaseGui 0(&O)&OpenBaseGui Ǭ(&P)&PlayBaseGui Ǭ(&P)&PlayPlaylist ȅ(&Q)&Quit BaseGuiPlusǥX0(&S)&Save ActionsEditorǥX0(&S)&SavePlaylist &URL:&URL:InputURL (&S)&StopBaseGui ܬ(&T)&TimeBaseGui00 GUI  GUI| ƩiȲ..opens the mini gui instead of the default one.QObject l0  No autoscale PrefSubtitles0] Lj |  D t"Uncheck all file types in the listPrefAssociations&] Lj | D  Check all file types in the listPrefAssociations. |t t tǬiȲ. nŴܬµȮL?2The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite? LogWindowP-subfont 5X Ʃ(&U) - \ MPlayer ¤ DƔ:&Use -subfont option (required by recent MPlayer releases) PrefSubtitles\ m (&X) Ma&x. items PrefInterface p ɝInc hueBaseGuihAlbumInfoFileƩApplyFilePropertiesDialogƩApplyPreferencesDialog $$ |AudioBaseGui$$Audio DefaultGui$$Audio PrefGeneralΐCachePrefPerformanceư0ClearShortcutGetter0Close LogWindowBase̴TŴCzech AboutDialog̴TŴCzech PrefInterface H.264H.264PrefPerformance $\ŴDutch AboutDialog $\ŴDutch PrefInterface$XError ActionsEditorGammaVideoEqualizerǥtGenreInfoFile¤ŴGreek AboutDialog¤ŴGreek PrefInterface Ǭ(&L)P&layBaseGui X JLNever PrefInterface\Paths PrefGeneral | PauseBaseGui | Pause PrefInput l0(&Z)Si&zeBaseGuiҸTrackInfoFile  |VideoBaseGuiVideoInfoFileVideo PrefGeneralL ɝ (2)Inc volume (2)BaseGui t Ӹ Edit namePlaylist(L)emptyInfoFiletlabel SeekWidgetDŽ tƴ0 0(&S)&Show frame counterBaseGuiŴmediaQObject L pVolume control PrefInput,SMPlayer - smplayer 0]SMPlayer - smplayer logBaseGuiT$$ !D 0<\ $$@  ٮ0T| <\ piȲ.AGradually adjusts the A/V sync based on audio delay measurements.PrefPerformance Ф 8ǐCyrillic Encodings L(&D) &DisabledBaseGui&MPlayer ŸŴ&MPlayer language PrefAdvanced\ SSA/ASS |t 칬 x SSA/ASS ǐ |  Matroska Ҹ t K | Ȳ. X t |t 칬 SUB SRT | @ x X ǐD T` L Ʃ DžȲ.The new SSA/ASS library will provide nice styled subtitles for external SSA/ASS subtitles files and Matroska tracks. But it will be used too for rendering other formats like SUB and SRT files. PrefSubtitles | ǥ $XError saving file LogWindow tȹDŴItalian AboutDialog tȹDŴItalian PrefInterface*Ʃ \ ̫ ǐ | (&E) S&elect first available subtitle PrefSubtitles׈ 0(&C) &Compact modeBaseGui4SMPlayer  %1 - %2 Չ $This is SMPlayer v. %1 running on %2QObject"¤lD ǥ` T(&F): &Folder for storing screenshots: PrefGeneral 8\ 8t ŴƸProportional to movie height PrefSubtitlesSSA/ASS ¤|SSA/ASS styles PrefSubtitlesưl|tŴ/\ŴUkrainian, Belarusian Encodings D0( h p)| H.264 T) tȲ. DҸ(t @ HDTV  x Ԉ X} t Ĺ| l , MPEG-2  @ X  JD  LjµȲ.HSkips the loop filter (AKA deblocking) during H.264 decoding. Since the filtered frame is supposed to be used as reference for decoding dependent frames this has a worse effect on quality than not doing deblocking on e.g. MPEG-2 video. But at least for high bitrate HDTV this provides a big speedup with no visible quality loss.PrefPerformanceƩ` $$ ŸŴPreferred audio language PrefGeneralư! D(&R)&Right channelBaseGui SMPlayer ͜% 0]X0Log SMPlayer output PrefAdvanced $$ Ҹ Audio track PrefGeneral&X tD hX ǐAll subs containing movie name PrefSubtitles SMPlayer - X $SMPlayer - PreferencesPreferencesDialogĹ} x x¤4¤ Չ tt, Ŵ t x¤4¤X Ǭ ] ǐ<\ ͔)Ȳ. x x¤4¤ action_list is a list of actions separated by spaces. The actions will be executed just after loading the file (if any) in the same order you entered. For checkable actions you can pass true or false as parameter. Example: -actions "fullscreen compact true". Quotes are necessary in case you pass more than one action.QObject$̴ Tt  Ǒ(&F)Start videos in &fullscreen PrefGeneral (&K)&KaraokeBaseGui %1 1%1 minutes and 1 secondQObjectP 0<\ $iȲ.Set all controls to zero.VideoEqualizer D0(&I):V&ideo filters:FilePropertiesDialog D0(&I):V&ideo filters: PrefAdvanced| ͜% ܷ|t| XƔ. ѵ ¤ xv, ư directx 1t ǥ ȋµȲ.fSelect the video output driver. Usually xv (linux) and directx (windows) provide the best performance. PrefGeneral6 (5.1 |ƴ)6 (5.1 Surround) PrefGeneral  0(&B) Linear &BlendBaseGuiǬ ](&P)... &Playlist...BaseGuiXŴ AC3 ѵ ƩUses hardware AC3 passthrough PrefGeneralD$ |(smplayer.ini)t Lj T| iȲ.Bspecifies the directory for the configuration file (smplayer.ini).QObjectҸŴ L pSoftware volume control PrefGenerallt 5XD Xt \aDŽD t`  Lj, t <\ Ǭݴ JD  LjµȲ.qChecking this option may reduce flickering, but it also might produce that the video won't be displayed properly. PrefAdvanced(¤\ Ҹt DtX t0(&H)S&how icon in system tray BaseGuiPlus0 L(&D):&Default volume: PrefGeneral D ( Only after loading a new video PrefInterface0<\ L x@|tɈVolume normalization by default PrefGeneral$$ ¤Ҹ Audio StreamsInfoFile¤l ǐ h(&I)!&Include subtitles on screenshots PrefSubtitles| xtɈ p(&M)Denoise nor&malBaseGui1( \ \ LD $XƔ (0: 110). 200D Dž%Xt LD \ ǬX 20L\ p`  Lj t Ȳ. 100 X @ 0 L(=100%)t \D Xĸ] X\, OSD \ \`  µȲ. Sets the maximum amplification level in percent (default: 110). A value of 200 will allow you to adjust the volume up to a maximum of double the current level. With values below 100 the initial volume (which is 100%) will be above the maximum, which e.g. the OSD cannot display correctly. PrefGeneralt x MPlayer ` ͔ 5XD `  LjµȲ. 1<\ lX Dž%XƔ. (: -flip -nosound)cHere you can pass extra options to MPlayer. Write them separated by spaces. Example: -flip -nosoundFilePropertiesDialogt x MPlayer ` ͔ 5XD `  LjµȲ. 1<\ lX Dž%XƔ.(: -flip -nosound)cHere you can pass extra options to MPlayer. Write them separated by spaces. Example: -flip -nosound PrefAdvancedȸ\ƴ |D Ǭ` L Ʃ 0 $$ ҸD iȲ. } tX Ҹt tǬX J<b>X:</b> "Ʃ` $$ ŸŴ" 5Xt t 5X ư <\ Ʃ)Ȳ.Specifies the default audio track which will be used when playing new files. If the track doesn't exist, the first one will be used.
Note: the "preferred audio language" has preference over this option. PrefGeneral \ 8t ŴƸProportional to movie width PrefSubtitles, = 0 `X J0(&D)1&Don't repaint the background of the video window PrefAdvanced*SMPlayer - mplayer 0]SMPlayer - mplayer logBaseGuiѵ/20 l0 X Double size PrefInput\xq¤ D ư  tD t |X xq¤| Ǭl1iȲ. hp D̴ J@ ƴ\, 9@ ,t J 1 | t ƩXȲ. t 5X@ Ŵ  tD X ư(\ Dž%t t @ H )Ȳ)й Ʃ)Ȳ.<br> X: xq¤ 1в }X ܬt Ɣ)Ȳ.Rebuilds index of files if no index was found, allowing seeking. Useful with broken/incomplete downloads, or badly created files. This option only works if the underlying media supports seeking (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc).
Note: the creation of the index may take some time.PrefPerformancet 5XD Xt ǬX  Tt 80 D\1T)Ȳ.<br>Ǭt ]t Tt 80 \1T)Ȳ.<br><b>X:</b> t 5X@ X11  ư X ǑiȲ.Check this option to disable the screensaver while playing.
The screensaver will enabled again when play finishes.
Note: This option works only in X11 and Windows. PrefGeneral0 ĭl L(&M) &Main toolbar DefaultGuiJǐ |(*.srt, *.sub...) ǐ<\ $0(&T):,Au&toload subtitles files (*.srt, *.sub...): PrefSubtitles\T` L | Pause when minimized PrefGeneral \T` L | (&P)&Pause when minimized PrefGeneral$xʽ<\ t(&R) Move &rightBaseGuiǬ ](&P) &PlaylistBaseGui Ǭ ]Playlist BaseGuiPlus Ǭ ]Playlist PrefInputbT x DŽ ܸm(T) J0)D ƩiȲ. t \D 8,  LjµȲ!IMore intense frame dropping (breaks decoding). Leads to image distortion!PrefPerformance (&A)&AngleBaseGui |X ](&E): &End of file: PrefAdvanced L1(&A)&AudioBaseGuiư0(&C)&ClearBaseGui 0(&C)&Close LogWindowBase%1 KB (%2 MB) %1 KB (%2 MB)InfoFileư¤(&M)&Mouse PrefInput| (&P)&PauseBaseGui0T(&R)&ResetBaseGui0T(&R)&ResetFilePropertiesDialog0T(&R)&ResetVideoEqualizer (&T)&TitleBaseGui Ҹ(&T)&TrackBaseGui (&V)&VideoBaseGui>D0(&E)... S&elect... PrefGeneral(DŴ LjL)BaseGuiȌ! D(&L) &Left channelBaseGuiT ͔(&D)Add &directoryPlaylist DŴ Bulgarian AboutDialog DŴ Bulgarian PrefInterface 5X(&T)Op&tionsBaseGui SMPlayer - | 1SMPlayer - File propertiesFilePropertiesDialog} Xt,  T 0D ƩiȲ. ( Tq  ͜% ܷ|t X JL)<br><b>:</b> OSD  ǐ $X| |<Ь  LjµȲ!If checked, turns on direct rendering (not supported by all codecs and video outputs)
WARNING: May cause OSD/SUB corruption! PrefGeneral D  Dec contrastBaseGui \8\D Aspect ratioInfoFile͕Ф| `  LjµȲ. ͕Ф| X$t, ͕Ф xD P tXp ͕Ф| Ȳ. DƔXt, x Xp x 0\ .00 t ]D |\ ǥ`  LjµȲ.Here you can change any key shortcut. To do it double click or start typing over a shortcut cell. Optionally you can also save the list to share it with other people or load it in another computer. PrefInput($$ ͜% ܷ|t| XƔ.Select the audio output driver. PrefGeneralZX tX |  (XµȲ. ͩ\ \t Lj UxXƔ.TNot all files could be associated. Please check your security permissions and retry.PrefAssociationst ǐ (&P)&Previous line in subtitlesBaseGui*Lp| X J Ǭ(&P)+High speed &playback without altering pitch PrefGeneralǬ Ĺ| LpX t   Ljĸ] iȲ. \ MPlayer dev-SVN-r24924 D DƔ\ iȲ.eAllows to change the playback speed without altering pitch. Requires at least MPlayer dev-SVN-r24924. PrefGeneral0 |t Ǭ ]t ]t =t יȲ.?the main window will be closed when the file/playlist finishes.QObjectDŽ t0(&I) Sk&ip framesPrefPerformanceMPlayer 5X(&L)Options for MP&layer PrefAdvanced | ǥ (XµȲThe file couldn't be saved ActionsEditor$0(&L)...&Load...BaseGuiDŽ ¤](&F) &Frame stepBaseGuiФ(&C): &Colorkey: PrefAdvancedT |@ T DŽ 2| ǥX X| TX H X| \h<\h \aDŽD tiȲ. } D\1Tt OSD ȋ J@ եD |`  Lj, OSD \aDŽD tiȲ.Double buffering fixes flicker by storing two frames in memory, and displaying one while decoding another. If disabled it can affect OSD negatively, but often removes OSD flickering. PrefGeneralMPlayer ͜% 0]X0Log MPlayer output PrefAdvancedmŴ(̴)Simplified-Chinese AboutDialogmŴ(̴)Simplified-Chinese PrefInterface&0X @ Ф piD tƔ,Press the key combination you want to assignShortcutGetter ̴ Tt Fullscreen PrefInputMPlayer Չ |MPlayer executable PrefGeneral>MPlayer \8¤ \ ư | XƔ.,Select the priority for the MPlayer process.PrefPerformance̴ Tt(&F) &FullscreenBaseGuiTTF |D XƔChoose a ttf file PrefSubtitles&MPlayer 0] | ǐ ǥAutosave MPlayer log PrefAdvancedh ɝ(&+) Volume &+BaseGuih (&-) Volume &-BaseGui Tq(&V) &Video codecFilePropertiesDialog(SMPlayer ͜% 0]X0(&S)Log &SMPlayer output PrefAdvanced$$(&U):A&udio: PrefGeneral P t Double click PrefInput 0 Change speed PrefInput\ Ǭ\ | Recent files PrefInterface ǐ (&A)&Autodetect phaseBaseGui:t | Ʃ @ | XƔ(&S):4&Select the demuxer that will be used for this file:FilePropertiesDialog̴ Tt 0Exit fullscreenBaseGui̴ Tt 0Exit fullscreen PrefInput%1 %1 minutesQObjectȸ\ƴ |D Ǭ` L Ʃ 0 ǐ ҸD iȲ. } tX Ҹt tǬX J<b>X:</b> "Ʃ` ǐ ŸŴ" 5Xt t 5X ư <\ Ʃ)Ȳ.Specifies the default subtitle track which will be used when playing new files. If the track doesn't exist, the first one will be used.
Note: the "preferred subtitle language" has preference over this option. PrefGeneralm (&T) S&tay on topBaseGuiǬ / |  Play / PauseBaseGuiǬ / |  Play / Pause PrefInputf'media' SMPlayer  Lj |DžȲ. t 0 ǥŴ Ljp, DVD (: dvd://1), x07 ¤Ҹ(: mms://....)  t 0 Lj Ǭ ](m3u )|  LjµȲ. } -playlist 5Xt Ʃt, MPlayer Ǭ ]D ̘X )Ȳ.A'media' is any kind of file that SMPlayer can open. It can be a local file, a DVD (e.g. dvd://1), an Internet stream (e.g. mms://....) or a local playlist in format m3u. If the -playlist option is used, that means that SMPlayer will pass the -playlist option to MPlayer, so MPlayer will handle the playlist, not SMPlayer.QObject0 $$ ¤ҸInitial Audio StreamInfoFile : %1 Gamma: %1Coreǐ (&T): &Text color: PrefSubtitles 1(&P) &PerformancePrefPerformance 0: %1Brightness: %1Core 0(&L)C&loseBaseGui<̘ ȸ\ | t 0<\ Ʃ)Ȳ.;Postprocessing will be used by default on new opened files. PrefGeneralƩ`  Lj CPU ܬD $X ̘X ԈD <\ iȲ. 0 Dž%X +ǐ \ Ԉt DžȲ.  Ԉ@ <\ \, p p | $t ȋµȲ.Dynamically changes the level of postprocessing depending on the available spare CPU time. The number you specify will be the maximum level used. Usually you can use some big number. PrefGeneralǐX 0 X(&P),Default &position of the subtitles on screen PrefSubtitlesmŴ ̴ 8ǐiTraditional Chinese charset Encodings p... Remove...Playlist,SMPlayer@ 𬰴 Ŵ |: Media files handled by SMPlayer:PrefAssociations ͔...Add...PlaylistҸŴBaltic EncodingsDŴArabic Encodings¤lŴBasque PrefInterface D0 4(&K)S&kip loop filterPrefPerformanceD¤ҸArtistInfoFileǑǐAuthorInfoFile8 t0(&L) &Long jump PrefInterfaceDBottom PrefSubtitlesCancelFilePropertiesDialogCancelPreferencesDialogҸŴCeltic EncodingsOSD - LOSD - Next levelBaseGuiZt 5Xt ݴt, Ǭ |t Ǭ ]t ] L =t ǐ<\ יȲ.pIf this option is checked, the main window will be automatically closed when the current file/playlist finishes. PrefGeneral @ tSame name as movie PrefSubtitles&SMPlayer XAbout &SMPlayerBaseGui D0 4Skip loop filterPrefPerformanceܷ|t Drives PrefDrives&Yadif (|)&Yadif (normal)BaseGuivCD-ROM  DVD ܷ|t  JXµȲ. ܷ|t $D \ T ǐ \ܴ DžȲ.lThe CDROM / DVD drives are not configured yet. The configuration dialog will be shown now, so you can do it.BaseGui.&MPlayer Չ |D XƔ:Select the &MPlayer executable: PrefGeneralƴp t(&D) Mi&ddle click PrefInputFormatInfoFileݬŴ Hungarian AboutDialogݬŴ Hungarian PrefInterface¤ŴFrench AboutDialog¤ŴFrench PrefInterface&CD ܷ|t :Select your &CD device: PrefDrivesSMPlayer 0] D0Filter for SMPlayer logs PrefAdvancedX ¤l ǥ DVD Ǭ`  LjµȲ. VIDEO_TS  AUDIO_TS T| hX  T| XƔ.tYou can play a dvd from your hard disc. Just select the folder which contains the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directories.InputDVDDirectory|ŴGerman AboutDialog|ŴGerman PrefInterfacet ǥPrevious chapterBaseGuiŸŴ(&A): L&anguage: PrefInterface2ųptҸ L lX  LjµȲ: %1Get updates at: %1 AboutDialogtt 5XD Xt, URL@ Ǭ ]<\ Ŵ t | Ʃ Lj x URLt Ǭݴ)Ȳ.yIf this option is checked, the URL will be treated as a playlist: it will be opened as text and will play the URLs in it.InputURL&MPlayer 5X&MPlayer optionsFilePropertiesDialog ¤Ŵ Modern Greek Encodings"DƔ\ ư xq¤ 1(&C)&Create index if neededPrefPerformanceܷ|t \0 &DVD&DVD from driveBaseGui4:3 8\ ͤ(&P) 4:3 &PanscanBaseGuiǐ ¤Ҹ Ʃ` ŸŴ| `  LjµȲ. } Ʃ`  Lj ǐ ¤Ҹt x ư, SMPlayer 0  ŸŴ| ƩX$ ܳiȲ.<br>t 5X@ ǐ ¤ҸX ŸŴ \  Ŵ Ŵ | t Ʃ)Ȳ.<br>t xв  \D Dž%`  LjµȲ. | Ŵ, <b>ko|kr|kor</b>@ <i>ko</i>, <i>kr</i>  <i>kor</i> Q ǐD X iȲ.Here you can type your preferred language for the subtitle stream. When a media with multiple subtitle streams is found, smplayer will try to use your preferred language.
This only will work with media that offer info about the language of the subtitle streams, like DVDs or mkv files.
This field accepts regular expressions. Example: es|esp|spa will select the subtitle stream if it matches with es, esp or spa. PrefGeneral 1 11 minute and 1 secondQObject&5.1 |ƴ &5.1 SurroundBaseGuiDƔ\ ư xq¤ 1Create index if neededPrefPerformance"  1 0(&I)...View &info and properties...BaseGui8tLengthInfoFile8tLengthPlaylistѵ ĸ\ Ǭ(&N) &Normal speedBaseGui$$ D0(&F):Audio &filters:FilePropertiesDialog$$ D0(&F):Audio &filters: PrefAdvanced`x $$ Ҹ Fast audio track switchingPrefPerformance `x $$ Ҹ (&F)&Fast audio track switchingPrefPerformance$$ Tq(&U) A&udio codecFilePropertiesDialogm  0/D0On top PrefInput  ɝ Inc gammaBaseGui   Dec gammaBaseGuiŴPolish AboutDialogŴPolish PrefInterfaceǐ (&A) &AutodetectBaseGui&t ̴ Tt Ǭݴ)Ȳ.,the video will be played in fullscreen mode.QObject ͕Ф Modify shortcutShortcutGetterٮ0TSynchronizationPrefPerformancel0(&Z):Si&ze:PrefPerformanceDŴ (ư)Arabic Windows EncodingsT |(&B)Dou&ble buffering PrefGeneralǬ (&E)Sp&eedBaseGui ¬\ФDŴSlovak AboutDialog ¬\ФDŴSlovak PrefInterfacenŴܬµȮL?Confirm overwrite? ActionsEditornŴܬµȮL?Confirm overwrite? LogWindownŴܬµȮL?Confirm overwrite?Playlist" |X L 0(&C)&Change volume on every file PrefGenerall0(&C):S&cale: PrefSubtitlesDŽ ܸm Ʃ(&A)&Allow frame dropPrefPerformance"Lp| X J Ǭ*High speed playback without altering pitch PrefGeneral Ǒ(&-)S&ize -BaseGui0.50<\ Ǭ(&H) &Halve speedBaseGuiLVolumeVolumeSliderAction | 0 (XµȲThe file couldn't be loaded ActionsEditorŸŴ ĭl L(&L)&Language toolbar DefaultGui 0] | Log Window LogWindowBase ҸŴSoftwareInfoFileSMPlayer - SMPlayer - HelpPreferencesDialog"¬| Ŵ/Y Ŵ (ư)Slavic/Central European Windows EncodingsDŽ tƴ0 Frame counter PrefInputDŽ ܸm ƩAllow frame dropPrefPerformance&4.0 |ƴ &4.0 SurroundBaseGui T |Double buffering PrefGeneral.SMPlayer - T\0 DVD Ǭ#SMPlayer - Play a DVD from a folderInputDVDDirectoryt 5Xt ݴt, MPlayer 0]@ ȸ\ƴ |t Ǭݴ0 Ǒ` LȲ | ǥ)Ȳ. t 0@ x \t Ǭݴ Lj | \ | L  Ljĸ] X0 X )Ȳ.If this option is checked, the MPlayer log will be saved to the specified file every time a new file starts to play. It's intended for external applications, so they can get info about the file you're playing. PrefAdvanced16:9 \ ͤ(&E)16:9 L&etterboxBaseGuiBt 5X@ \D X D P LjµȲ.=This option is mainly intended for debugging the application. PrefAdvanced ȲDŴRomanian AboutDialog ȲDŴRomanian PrefInterfacet ResolutionInfoFile|ʽ t(&L) &Left click PrefInputt,Ŵ(t,)Portuguese - Portugal AboutDialogt,Ŵ(t,)Portuguese - Portugal PrefInterfaceǬ SMPlayer CD-ROM  DVD ܷ|t | ǐ X JµȲ. 0|, ǬX0 t  CD-ROM  DVD ǥX| $t Ŵ| iȲ.Currently SMPlayer does not autodetect cdrom or dvd devices. So in order to play cdroms or dvds you must first select here your cdrom and dvd drives (can be the same). PrefDrives Ф Dž%X0Capture keystrokesShortcutGettert 5Xt ݴt, SMPlayer SMPlayer ͜%X  T| ǥiȲ (<b>5X->0] | 0->SMPlayer</b>  LjµȲ). t\  | >XD ư ǐЬ L p p t  LjµȲ.If this option is checked, smplayer will store the debugging messages that smplayer outputs (you can see the log in Options->View logs->smplayer). This information can be very useful for the developer in case you find a bug. PrefAdvancedDContrastVideoEqualizer 0(: %1Zoom: %1Coreĭl L(&T) &Toolbars DefaultGui |ʽ t Left click PrefInput L $$ Next audioBaseGui 10% ɝ(&+) Speed &+10%BaseGui 10% (&-) Speed &-10%BaseGui %1, %2 %1 and %2 AboutDialogx Չ x x¤4¤ D ܳX ܴ ǑD iȲ. (: -send-action pause) x 5Xt LjD ư 4ܴp \@ ȅiȲ. \@ 1 0, ( -1D XiȲ.tries to make a connection to another running instance and send to it the specified action. Example: -send-action pause The rest of options (if any) will be ignored and the application will exit. It will return 0 on success or -1 on failure.QObjectư (&Y): Priorit&y:PrefPerformanceXPosition PrefSubtitlesDVD ܷ|t ǥX DVD device PrefDrives = X  l0 0ŵ(&E)R&emember position and size PrefInterfaceCD ܷ|t ǥX CD device PrefDrives 0 Dec brightnessBaseGui8"%1" |@ t tǬiȲ. nŴܬµȮL?5The file %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite? ActionsEditor6"%1" |@ t tǬiȲ.nŴܬµȮL?5The file %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite?Playlist&Qt X About &QtBaseGui\ t(&U)Move &upBaseGui\ t(&U)Move &upPlaylistSSA/ASS |t 칬SSA/ASS library PrefSubtitles¤l TScreenshots folder PrefGenerall0 ͤ(&U): A&utoscale: PrefSubtitles¤|(&Y):St&yles: PrefSubtitles1 PerformancePrefPerformance&Lowpass5 &Lowpass5BaseGui SMPlayer - Ǭ ]SMPlayer - PlaylistPlaylist 0Wheel function PrefInputt Ѯ0(&M) Flip i&mageBaseGui"SMPlayer Ʃ` MPlayer Չ |D t| iȲ.<br>SMPlayer \ MPlayer  1.0rc1D ƔliȲ (svn ǥ).<br><b>} t $t ǘt, SMPlayer Ŵ | Ǭ`  Ƭ )Ȳ.</b>Here you must specify the mplayer executable that smplayer will use.
smplayer requires at least mplayer 1.0rc1 (svn recommended).
If this setting is wrong, smplayer won't be able to play anything! PrefGeneralǬ ] (Playlist modifiedPlaylist4:3 \ ͤ(&L)4:3 &LetterboxBaseGuiSMPlayer - SMPlayer - InformationBaseGuit \@ ǐ ҸŴDžȲ. ǐ ҸŴ Ǭ 0 GNU |  Ʃ Ȭ(2 t) Xt ǐ m X/Xp Ǭ0`  LjµȲ.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AboutDialog׈ Ŵ 8ǐiHebrew charsets Encodings xtɈ #0(&O) Add n&oiseBaseGui"x | $0(&L)...&Load external file...BaseGui | Choose a filename ActionsEditor | Choose a filenamePlaylist Ŵ $Media settings PrefGeneralD\ t(&D) Move &downBaseGuiD\ t(&D) Move &downPlaylist|ʽ<\ t(&L) Move &leftBaseGuiǐ: Translators: AboutDialogt 5X@ |t URLD żȰ @ T(KB)| ƩX ΐ`| iȲ. Ŵ ҹ׈ ƩiȲ.xThis option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when precaching a file or URL. Especially useful on slow media.PrefPerformance11 minuteQObject<b>%1</b>: %2 %1: %2 AboutDialog͜% ܷ|tOutput drivers PrefGeneral͕Ф (&C)...&Change shortcut... ActionsEditorѵnormalPrefPerformance |  File TypesPrefAssociations|$$ D0 Ʃ`  LjµȲ. |\\ liȲ. (: resample=44100:0:0,volnorm)^And finally audio filters. Same rule as for video filters. Example: resample=44100:0:0,volnormFilePropertiesDialog|$$ D0 Ʃ`  LjµȲ. |\\ liȲ. (: resample=44100:0:0,volnorm)^And finally audio filters. Same rule as for video filters. Example: resample=44100:0:0,volnorm PrefAdvanced`x DVD ǥ >0Fast seek to chapters in dvdsPrefPerformanceΐ Ʃ(&U) &Use cachePrefPerformance8 |t Ǭ ]t ] =t ׈ JµȲ.@the main window won't be closed when the file/playlist finishes.QObject |  File typesPrefAssociations= Main window PrefInterfacetܸ\ Copy to clipboard LogWindowBase11 secondQObject(&O):Fact&or:PrefPerformance ǐ XSubtitle position PrefSubtitles5X(&O): &Options:FilePropertiesDialog5X(&O): &Options: PrefAdvancedFΐܹ| $Xt Ŵ 1 եD 0`  LjµȲ5Setting a cache may improve performance on slow mediaPrefPerformance L(&N): &No video: PrefAdvanced ŴWestern European Languages Encodings |  ]List of file typesPrefAssociations>ȸ\ƴ |t 0<\ Ʃ` 0 LD $iȲ.0Sets the initial volume that new files will use. PrefGeneralŸ\(&N)U&nloadBaseGui t(&V) Pre&viousBaseGui t(&V) Pre&viousPlaylist D Dec saturationBaseGui8x  Ǭ $D 0<\ iȲ.8Use the current values as default values for new videos.VideoEqualizerǥ` T| XƔChoose a filename to save under LogWindowǬ ](&P)It's a &playlistInputURLǑ CopyrightInfoFile.MPlayer| ijX = Չ(&R)&Run MPlayer in its own window PrefAdvanced͔  D0| Ʃ`  LjµȲ. |\(,)\ liȲ. DŴ0| DžX Ɣ. (: scale=52:-2,eq2=1.1)tYou can also pass additional video filters. Separate them with ",". Do not use spaces! Example: scale=512:-2,eq2=1.1FilePropertiesDialog͔  D0| Ʃ`  LjµȲ. |\(,)\ liȲ. DŴ0| DžX Ɣ. (: scale=52:-2,eq2=1.1)tYou can also pass additional video filters. Separate them with ",". Do not use spaces! Example: scale=512:-2,eq2=1.1 PrefAdvanced 1 %11 minute and %1 secondsQObjectTt 80 D\1TDisable screensaver PrefGeneral DŴGalician PrefInterface%1 kbps%1 kbpsInfoFilet,Ŵ( |)Portuguese - Brazil AboutDialogt,Ŵ( |)Portuguese - Brazil PrefInterface(&H)... C&hange... PrefAdvancedŸŴLanguageInfoFileŸŴLanguage PrefInterface(&C)... &Change... PrefInterfaceJǥ J@ mt LjµȲ. Ǭ ]D ǥXܬµȮL?D0(&S)... &Search... PrefGeneral Y&adif (20 DŽ`)Y&adif (double framerate)BaseGui | ͔(&F) Add &file(s)Playlist ̘ 0<\ \1T(&E)!&Enable postprocessing by default PrefGeneral@ DŽ ܸm Ʃ(&H) - t \ 1 LjL5Allow &hard frame drop (can lead to image distortion)PrefPerformance̘ 0<\ \1T Enable postprocessing by default PrefGeneralFMPlayer 0] |D ǥ` \@ |D Dž%XƔ.KEnter here the path and filename that will be used to save the MPlayer log. PrefAdvanced$$(&O):Audi&o: PrefGeneral̴ Tt  ǑStart videos in fullscreen PrefGeneral$$ ͜% ܷ|tAudio output driver PrefGeneral (&R)&Restore BaseGuiPlus><br><b>X:</b> t 5X@ ư ƩDžȲ.1
Note: This option is for Windows only.PrefPerformance(&I):V&ideo: PrefGeneral&$$ TqD XƔ(&S):&Select the audio codec:FilePropertiesDialog D ɝInc saturationBaseGuiSMPlayer MPlayer ͜%\ ƩD } tt| Xp, 8t 0DžȲ. 0|, x ŸŴ\  MPlayer| ƩX ưв SMPlayer ŸŴ| tXĸ] $D tŴ| iȲ. (0 <\  \D Dž%t| iȲ)<br><br> DX ]@ t X ŸŴ| t $Ĵ  \D hX LjD  LjµȲ.iSMPlayer needs to read and parse the output of MPlayer and sometimes it relies on English text. If you are using a MPlayer translated into another language, then you need to change the texts that SMPlayer looks for. (Technically you should enter regular expressions)

The drop-down lists may provide already made regular expression for several languages. PrefAdvanced(SMPlayer Ʃǐ, XiȲWelcome to SMPlayer DefaultGui D: %1Saturation: %1Core Ǭ ] PlaylistsBaseGui Ǭ ] PlaylistsPlaylist ư PriorityPrefPerformance,|ʽ t 0` ǑD XƔ..Select the action for left click on the mouse. PrefInput DҸtҸBitrateInfoFilet 5X@ SMPlayerX 0] | ǥ T| <\  Lj t Ȳ.  \<\ D0| XƔ.<br>: <i>^Core::.*</i> - <i>Core::</i>\ ǑX T \This option allows to filter the smplayer messages that will be stored in the log. Here you can write any regular expression.
For instance: ^Core::.* will display only the lines starting with Core:: PrefAdvanced6SMPlayer x¤4¤ \  Ʃ(&U)*&Use only one running instance of SMPlayer PrefInterface p ɳ Control barMiniGui%1 %2%1 minutes and %2 secondsQObject t0(&M) &Medium jump PrefInterface&Kerndeint &KerndeintBaseGui$ Description ActionsEditor笌 t0(&S) &Short jump PrefInterface ̘ ԈPostprocessing quality PrefGeneral$SMPlayer Ǭ ] ͔Enqueue in SMPlayerQObjectQt XAbout QtBaseGuiL ǐ (&E)N&ext line in subtitlesBaseGuit = Ǭݴ)Ȳ.(the video will be played in window mode.QObjectDž%CaptureShortcutGetter tȸŴCatalan PrefInterfaceǬ |D ͔(&C)Add ¤t filePlaylist$ TqD XƔ(&S):&Select the video codec:FilePropertiesDialog} = tܰ  ͜% ܷ|t Xt  t|t д J ư, t 5XD `  LjµȲ.<br><b>X:</b> t 5X@ |  ͜% ܷ|t@ 8X JD  LjµȲ.You can check this option if video equalizer is not supported by your graphic card or the selected video output driver.
Note: this option can be incompatible with some video output drivers. PrefGeneralL x@|tɈ(&N)Volume &normalizationBaseGuiX $(&R) P&referencesBaseGui\ ǐx %1Logo designed by %1 AboutDialog$t T| \X ȅiȲ.*will show this message and then will exit.QObject 0 ɝInc brightnessBaseGuiǬt ]t 0(&C)&Close when finished PrefGeneralǬt ]t 0Close when finished PrefGeneralL | \ $( ݴ $$ Ҹ, ǐ )D 0ŵ(&R)<&Remember settings for all files (audio track, subtitles...) PrefGeneralǐ SubtitlesBaseGuiǐ SubtitlesInfoFileǐ Subtitles PrefSubtitlesǐ(&S): &Subtitle: PrefGeneral ǐ(&S) &SubtitlesBaseGui ǐ(&S) &Subtitles PrefSubtitles  tSeeking PrefInterface%1 %1 secondsQObject l(&+)Si&ze +BaseGui 8tDDŴSerbian AboutDialog 8tDDŴSerbian PrefInterfaceDŴRussian AboutDialogDŴRussian EncodingsDŴRussian PrefInterface ǥ(&C)&ChapterBaseGui(MPlayer 0] | ǐ ǥAutosave MPlayer log filename PrefAdvancedŴ  t Media seeking PrefInput¤Ҹ|¤L$(&E) &ExtrastereoBaseGuit 5X@  = ǐX X| iȲ. ǥ D <i>100</i>tp, ǥ  <i>0</i>D ƩX iȲ.This option specifies the position of the subtitles over the video window. 100 means the bottom, while 0 means the top. PrefSubtitles|Ŵ 8ǐiJapanese charsets EncodingsTt 80 D\1T(&S)Disable &screensaver PrefGeneral"0<\ L x@|tɈ(&N) Volume &normalization by default PrefGeneral"S/PDIF ѵ AC3/DTSAC3/DTS pass-through S/PDIF PrefGeneral$S/PDIF ѵ &AC3/DTS&AC3/DTS pass-through S/PDIF PrefGeneral"SSA/&ASS |t 칬 ƩUse SSA/&ASS libraryBaseGuiTt D( ͔0(&P) &Pan && scanBaseGuiܬ  0ŵX J0Don't remember time position PrefGeneralP t Select NonePrefAssociationsP t Select nonePrefAssociations ݴ TqSelected codecInfoFileCommentInfoFile ׈ 0Compact PrefInput0<\ $X0(&S)&Set as default valuesVideoEqualizer¤ӘxŴSpanish PrefInterface¤|(&Y):St&yle: PrefInterface4:3 16:9\(&T) 4:3 &to 16:9BaseGui๬ ő p(&R)De&ringBaseGui$$(&A):&Audio: PrefGeneral¤\ 4(&Y): S&ystem font: PrefSubtitles.ư¤X 0` ǑD XƔ.&Select the action for the mouse wheel. PrefInput>D0(&B)&BrowseBaseGuiF |t ̘L0 Ǭݴĸ] ܬ  0ŵX J0(&D)F&Don't remember time position (files start playing from the beginning) PrefGeneralx¤4¤ Instances PrefInterface¤L$ (&S) &Stereo modeBaseGui2 (¤L$) 2 (Stereo) PrefGeneralҸŴ 8ǐiOld Baltic charset Encodingsv} ݴt, ǥD tX ǥ `x )D ܳX, | ¤l ǑX JD  LjµȲ.eIf checked, it will try the fastest method to seek to chapters but it might not work with some discs.PrefPerformance p Dec hueBaseGui h p(&D)&DeblockBaseGui0Default PrefInterface (&D)&Delay -BaseGui@ (&D)&DemuxerFilePropertiesDialog @ DemuxerInfoFile x0Әt¤ Interface PrefInterfacex0Әt¤(&I) &Interface PrefInterface$ҸŴ L p Ʃ(&O)Use s&oftware volume control PrefGeneral ¤Ҹ  Stream titleInfoFile¤tŴSwedish AboutDialog¤tŴSwedish PrefInterface|  / DŽ ¤]Pause / Frame stepBaseGui|  / DŽ ¤]Pause / Frame step PrefInputƩ: %1 [-mini] [-ini-path directory] [-send-action action_name] [-actions action_list [-close-at-end] [-no-close-at-end] [-fullscreen] [-no-fullscreen] [-add-to-playlist] [-help|--help|-h|-?] [[-playlist] media] [[-playlist] media]...Usage: %1 [-mini] [-ini-path directory] [-send-action action_name] [-actions action_list [-close-at-end] [-no-close-at-end] [-fullscreen] [-no-fullscreen] [-add-to-playlist] [-help|--help|-h|-?] [[-playlist] media] [[-playlist] media]...QObject  8t ŴƸProportional to movie diagonal PrefSubtitlesSMPlayer XAbout SMPlayer AboutDialog\ Ǭ DX DžȲ. MPlayer TT $$| 0  D \ TX| Ɣ̭iȲ. tX @ TT $ LjµȲ. t 5X@ AC3 $$| (| Ŵ DVD) ƔiȲ. \ ư liba52 0<\ T)D ՉX $$| Ɣ̭ D \ Xե ¤iȲ. X: t 5X@ AC3 Tq D0(|ƴ)  $$ ͜% ܷ|t(\ OSS) Xt t)Ȳ.Requests the number of playback channels. MPlayer asks the decoder to decode the audio into as many channels as specified. Then it is up to the decoder to fulfill the requirement. This is usually only important when playing videos with AC3 audio (like DVDs). In that case liba52 does the decoding by default and correctly downmixes the audio into the requested number of channels. NOTE: This option is honored by codecs (AC3 only), filters (surround) and audio output drivers (OSS at least). PrefGeneral T Select a directory PrefGeneral T Choose a directoryBaseGuiT| XƔChoose a directoryInputDVDDirectoryT| XƔChoose a directoryPlaylistMPlayer \8¤| ư Ʃ \ ư <\ $iȲ.<br><b>:</b> ܬ ư | ƩX ư ¤\t H͜  LjµȲ.Set process priority for mplayer according to the predefined priorities available under Windows.
WARNING: Using realtime priority can cause system lockup.PrefPerformance.P t 0` ǑD XƔ.0Select the action for double click on the mouse. PrefInputǐ(&B): Su&btitles: PrefGeneral Qt %1  h |Compiled with Qt %1 AboutDialogƩ` ǐ ŸŴPreferred subtitle language PrefGeneralФ | Key files ActionsEditor͕Ф| `  LjµȲ. ͕Ф| X$t, ͕Ф xD P tXp 0 Ф| Ȳ. DƔXt, x Xp x 0\ .00 t ]D |\ ǥ`  LjµȲ.Here you can change any key shortcut. To do it double click or press enter over a shortcut cell. Optionally you can also save the list to share it with other people or load it in another computer. PrefInput¤Ҹ URL Stream URLInfoFile&DVD ܷ|t :Select your &DVD device: PrefDrives DŽ Frames per secondInfoFilet|t(&E) &EqualizerBaseGuiԈ(&Q): &Quality: PrefGeneral t|t EqualizerVideoEqualizerܬrealtimePrefPerformance (&I) &InformationFilePropertiesDialog (&R)&RepeatBaseGui (&R)&RepeatPlaylist* \ t LD \TiȲ.2Maximizes the volume without distorting the sound. PrefGeneralǐSubtitle DefaultGui (&S)&SelectBaseGui P  Select AllPrefAssociations P  Select allPrefAssociationst 5XD Xt, SMPlayer | Ʃ LD 0ŵX Ǭݴ L LD ƩiȲ. ȸ\ƴ | t 0 Lt Ʃ)Ȳ.If checked, SMPlayer will remember the volume for every file and will restore it when played again. For new files the default volume will be used. PrefGeneral&URL...&URL...BaseGui2MPlayer 0]D | ǐ ǥ(&U)A&utosave MPlayer log to file PrefAdvanced¤L$(&S)&StereoBaseGuit x SMPlayer @ ¤lt ǥ T| `  LjµȲ. } t T  JD0...Choose a directory...InputDVDDirectory$$ CD(&A) &Audio CDBaseGui>0 ɳ(&S) &Seek barBaseGuiX} t 5Xt ݴt, @ ̴ Tt Ǭt Ǒ DžȲ.LIf this option is checked, all videos will start to play in fullscreen mode. PrefGeneral¤l Screenshot PrefInput Advanced PrefAdvanced (&A) &Advanced PrefAdvanced0ФŴTurkish AboutDialog0ФŴTurkish Encodings0ФŴTurkish PrefInterface`CD-ROM ܷ|t | XƔ. D$  $$ CD| ǬX p Ʃ)Ȳ.EChoose your CDROM device. It will be used to play VCDs and Audio CDs. PrefDrivesƩ` ŸŴ:Preferred language: PrefGeneral MPlayer Չ | Select the mplayer executable PrefGeneral D: %1 Contrast: %1CoreФ  ư¤Keyboard and mouse PrefInputmŴ(̴)Traditional Chinese AboutDialogmŴ(̴)Traditional Chinese PrefInterface 0 LDefault volume PrefGeneral 0 L No function PrefInput$ = 0 `X J00Don't repaint the background of the video window PrefAdvanced ɝ(&+)Delay &+BaseGui (&-)Delay &-BaseGuiP p(&A) Remove &allPlaylist ѵ t abovenormalPrefPerformanceF$$  ǐ ¤Ҹ Ʃ` ŸŴ| `  LjµȲ. } Ʃ`  Lj $$  ǐ ¤Ҹt x ư, SMPlayer 0  ŸŴ| ƩX$ ܳiȲ.<br>t 5X@ DVD mkv | t $$@ ǐ ¤ҸX ŸŴ \  Ŵ Ŵ | t Ʃ)Ȳ.<br>t xв  \D Dž%`  LjµȲ. | Ŵ, <b>ko|kr|kor</b>@ <i>ko</i>, <i>kr</i>  <i>kor</i> Q $$ ҸD X iȲ.Here you can type your preferred language for the audio and subtitle streams. When a media with multiple audio or subtitle streams is found, SMPlayer will try to use your preferred language. This only will work with media that offer info about the language of audio and subtitle streams, like DVDs or mkv files.
These fields accept regular expressions. Example: es|esp|spa will select the track if it matches with es, esp or spa. PrefGeneral L: %1 Volume: %1Coreǐ l0 0(&R): Auto&resize: PrefInterfaceܭmŴ 8ǐi Thai charset EncodingsŴEnglish PrefInterface 0( 0T Reset zoom PrefInputSSA/ASS ǐ ¤|D $`  LjµȲ. t $@ SRT SUB ǐD SSA/ASS |t 칬| ƩX T` L Ʃ)Ȳ. : <b>Bold=1,Outline=2,Shadow=4</b>Here you can override styles for SSA/ASS subtitles. It can be also used for fine-tuning the rendering of SRT and SUB subtitles by the SSA/ASS library. Example: Bold=1,Outline=2,Shadow=4 PrefSubtitles |ŴGeorgian AboutDialog |ŴGeorgian PrefInterface ͜% ܷ|tVideo output driver PrefGeneralD SaturationVideoEqualizer0] | 0(&V) &View logsBaseGui"SMPlayer - URL Dž%SMPlayer - Enter URLInputURLư¤ \ t0(&W)Mouse &wheel jump PrefInterfaceL ǥ Next chapterBaseGui  $$(&V)&Video and audio PrefGeneralǐ<\ $0Autoload PrefSubtitles |D XƔ Select one or more files to openPlaylist ɝ(&E)D&elay +BaseGui 0 4: Default font: PrefInterface X $ Preferences PrefInput4Ǭ ] \ܴ |X tD Dž%XƔ:CType the name that will be displayed in the playlist for this file:Playlist ǐ ҸSubtitle track PrefGeneral Ҽ 0:Button functions: PrefInputҸŴ  t|tSoftware video equalizer PrefGeneral\ L UMax. Amplification PrefGeneral Չ | Executables PrefGeneral\8\D(&A) &Aspect ratioBaseGuiФ(&K) &Keyboard PrefInput 0(&H)S&hufflePlaylist |(&F)...&File...BaseGuiDtX K(&N): Ico&n set: PrefInterface D0(&I)F&iltersBaseGui D0(&F)&FiltersBaseGui@ŴFinnish PrefInterfacepƩ`  Lj :<br> <b></b>: $$ ҸD X ǥ `x )D ƩiȲ (|  д JµȲ).<br> <b>DƔ</b>: MPlayer \8¤| $$ Ҹt  LȲ ǑiȲ.<br> <b>ǐ</b>: SMPlayer MPlayerX  0| ǐ<\ iȲ.-Possible values:
Yes: it will try the fastest method to switch the audio track (it might not work with some formats).
No: the MPlayer process will be restarted whenever you change the audio track.
Auto: SMPlayer will decide what to do according to the MPlayer version.PrefPerformance2ǐɬ OSD Ʃ 4D XƔ:;Select the font which will be used for subtitles (and OSD): PrefSubtitlesT\0 &DVD...D&VD from folder...BaseGui $$@  ǐ<\ ٮ0T Audio/video auto synchronizationPrefPerformanceMPlayer ͔ 5XAdditional Options for MPlayerFilePropertiesDialogWarningPrefAssociations*ҸŴ  t|t Ʃ(&U)&Use software video equalizer PrefGeneral>D0(&R)... Sea&rch... PrefSubtitles($$@  ǐ<\ ٮ0T(&V)!Audio/&video auto synchronizationPrefPerformance0 \8\D(&M):&Monitor aspect: PrefAdvanced@DVD ܷ|t | XƔ. DVD Ǭ Ʃ)Ȳ.5Choose your DVD device. It will be used to play DVDs. PrefDrives8ǐ T SSA/ASS |t 칬 Ʃ(&U)+&Use SSA/ASS library for subtitle rendering PrefSubtitles Ʃ` $$  ǐ(&D)Preferre&d audio and subtitles PrefGeneral&SMPlayer 0] D0(&F):&Filter for SMPlayer logs: PrefAdvanced Ŵ ( \ 08 Ʃ)$Western European Languages with Euro Encodings. For translators: don't translate this text, it will be replaced with another one at runtime. PrefGeneralT(&I)... D&irectory...BaseGui|GeneralInfoFile|General PrefGeneral |(&G)&General PrefGeneralN$$@ D ͔0 t ¤\ | DŽD tȲ.ASkip displaying some frames to maintain A/V sync on slow systems.PrefPerformance20<\ Ǭ(&D) &Double speedBaseGuiФ 8ǐ (ư)Cyrillic Windows EncodingsxtɈ p L(&F) Denoise o&ffBaseGuiP t(&D) &Double click PrefInputѵ SMPlayer Ǭݴ | \ $( ݴ $$ Ҹ, L, D0 )D 0ŵiȲ. t 0t DƔX J0(&S)Fast &seek to chapters in dvdsPrefPerformance"0] | ǥ (XµȲThe log couldn't be saved LogWindow DƔ` LWhenever it's needed PrefInterface0 BrightnessVideoEqualizer ѵ tX belownormalPrefPerformance L 0 Change volume PrefGeneral\ L U(&X):Ma&x. Amplification: PrefGeneralt 5Xt ݴt, |@ =t t J L | )Ȳ. =t з l0\ дt, |@ Ǭt Ǒ)Ȳ.If this option is enabled, the file will be paused when the main window is hidden. When the window is restored, play will be resumed. PrefGeneral%1, %2, %3 %1, %2 and %3 AboutDialog | All filesBaseGui | All filesPlaylist | All files PrefGeneralDChannelsInfoFile D(&C) &ChannelsBaseGuiѵ/20 l0 X(&T)&Toggle double sizeBaseGuiPt 5XD Xt, SMPlayer |D ̘L0 ǬiȲ.JIf you check this option, smplayer will play all files from the beginning. PrefGeneral4 (4.0 |ƴ)4 (4.0 Surround) PrefGeneral&MPlayer ͜% 0]X0(&O)Log MPlayer &output PrefAdvanced(ǐ )  PrefInterface($$ ¤Ҹ Ʃ` ŸŴ| `  LjµȲ. } Ʃ`  Lj $$ ¤Ҹt x ư, SMPlayer 0  ŸŴ| ƩX$ ܳiȲ.<br>t 5X@ DVD mkv | t $$ ¤ҸX ŸŴ \  Ŵ Ŵ | t Ʃ)Ȳ.<br>t xв  \D Dž%`  LjµȲ. | Ŵ, <b>ko|kr|kor</b>@ <i>ko</i>, <i>kr</i>  <i>kor</i> Q $$ ҸD X iȲ.Here you can type your preferred language for the audio streams. When a media with multiple audio streams is found, smplayer will try to use your preferred language.
This only will work with media that offer info about the language of the audio streams, like DVDs or mkv files.
This field accepts regular expressions. Example: es|esp|spa will select the audio track if it matches with es, esp or spa. PrefGeneral&¤ӘѠ/DŴ/Ŵ/0ФŴ%Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, Turkish EncodingsfSMPlayer x x¤4¤ $ 9D X0 t t Ҹ| iȲ(&P):LSMPlayer will listen to this &port to receive commands from other instances: PrefInterfacet m p(&S)Remove &selectedPlaylist"SMPlayer Չ DžȲSMPlayer is still running here BaseGuiPlusҸDž 4Truetype Fonts PrefSubtitles" Ҹ 8| XƔ:Or choose a track number: PrefGeneral>t \ X Ǒ \ ͕Ф| X t Ȳ. P tXp 0 Ф 9@ <b>͕Ф </b> ҼD  <i>͕Ф </i> T ǐ DžXƔ. ͕Ф| X )@ <b>Dž%</b> ҼD  `  LjµȲ. Ҽt $  Ǒ 0` ȸ\ƴ Ф 9@ Ф piD Dž%X ͕Ф| `  LjµȲ ( Ф t ǑX JµȲ). } <b>Dž%</b> Ҽt $ ܬ DȺt ФX ̴ tD Dž%X ͕Ф| `  LjµȲ.This table allows you to change the key shortcuts of most available actions. Double click or press enter on a item, or press the Change shortcut button to enter in the Modify shortcut dialog. There are two ways to change a shortcut: if the Capture button is on then just press the new key or combination of keys that you want to assign for the action (unfortunately this doesn't work for all keys). If the Capture button is off then you could enter the full name of the key. PrefInputܬ   ܬ(&O)Time + T&otal timeBaseGuit 5Xt ݴt, SMPlayer MPlayerX ͜%D ǥiȲ (<b>5X->0] | 0->MPlayer</b>  LjµȲ). } 8 LjD ư 0] |t Ɣ\   Lj<\, X D ǥiȲ.If checked, smplayer will store the output of mplayer (you can see it in Options->View logs->mplayer). In case of problems this log can contain important information, so it's recommended to keep this option checked. PrefAdvanced  TDirect rendering PrefGeneral 0(&W):&Wheel function: PrefInput0 ǐ xT)(&D):&Default subtitle encoding: PrefSubtitles T(&I)D&irect rendering PrefGeneral L ǐ Next subtitleBaseGuiSMPlayer@ X @ Ŵ | XƔ. Ʃ ҼD tt t | ݴt SMPlayer@ 𬰴 )Ȳ. D tXt, | ݬ з 𬰴ȳX \ 𬰴)Ȳ.Check the media file extensions you would like SMPlayer to handle. When you click Apply, the checked files will be associated with SMPlayer. If you uncheck a media type, the file association will be restored.PrefAssociations̘(&P)&PostprocessingBaseGui\mŴ ǐiKorean charset Encodings\0Shortcut ActionsEditor$ 0ŵX0Remember settings PrefGeneral  U Zoom video PrefInput p: %1Hue: %1Core |  Choose a file ActionsEditor |D XƔ Choose a fileBaseGui |  Choose a filePlaylist¬| Ŵ/Y Ŵ!Slavic/Central European Languages Encodings