Program flowchart. 1. Main flowchart. * Start Program.(START) * Load data about path of file.(L1) * Load librarys.(L2) * Initialize system.(INIT) * Initialize basic variables.(I1) * Check and load DB/base configurations from configuration files.(I2) * Load message file.(I3) * Connect to database.(I4) * Setting up terminal for direct access to terminal.(I5) * Clear screen.(I6) * Authentication.(AUTH) * Read user ID and password.(A1) * Query to database.(A2) * COmpare data from console and from database.(A3) * Not equal: Go to A1 or go to exit(Go to CL).(A3-C1) * Equal: Continue.(A3-C2) * Setting up variable about information of authenticatied user.(A4) * Enter to main program.(LOOP) * Standby and execute.(EXEC) * Got normal command: Execute command and return to EXEC.(E1) * Got exit command: Go to exit(Go to CL).(E2) * CLean up.(CL) * Disconnect from database.(C1) * Setting up mode to normal.(C2) * End program.(END)